Go to the database at:
From the Main Menu at the top choose: Submit New Plant (See Picture 1 below).
Enter the necessary plant information in each section.
Upload the first picture in this section (additional pictures will be loaded later).
Click Submit New Plant button at the bottom of the screen (See picture 2 below).
If you receive an error that states: Invalid File Type the picture you are trying to load is too large. you will need to resize the picture to the standard sizes the forum will accept: (See red bar at top of picture 3 below). For a .jpg type file, this is 19.5 KB. See Managing Attachments for more information and other types of files.
Once you have successfully uploaded the information and the first picture, you will see your plant listed. You may now want to add the keyword. Keywords are words used to search for information relating to a topic. A keyword doesn't have to be a single word - sometimes it can be a phrase such as "white flowers". If someone is trying to identify a plant that has white flowers they can type in the keyword and all the flowers that have the keyword "white flowers" will be displayed. It's just a way to search the database. (See Picture 4 below).
If you have additional pictures to upload, now is the time to do it. Click on Add Your Own Inf. (See picture 4 below).
Click on the "Browse" button (picture 5 below) and find where your pictures are stored on your computer. Add the picture just as you did with the first one. AND, you must add a caption to the picture or you will receive an error.
Then click on Submit New Plant at the bottom of the screen (See picture 5 below).
Repeat for each additional picture you want to add.