Woa! That's a pretty fancy shooter. Too rich for my tastes there bud. I like 'em simpler.11644 :) lb
Type: Posts; User: LarryB
Woa! That's a pretty fancy shooter. Too rich for my tastes there bud. I like 'em simpler.11644 :) lb
Thanks for your contribution KingFisher and for staying on track. :) lb
Really neat stuff in here. Nice to meet you Zach. I don't have a TV anymore, but just from what's been said here, I'm very impressed with you and almost wish I had a TV, again. :) All the best from...
Hehehe, I Love mine. It even helped fix my screwed up back. :)9918 I don't think I'll ever camp on the ground again.
I love experimenting with different woods for spindles. Usually, cedar is my hearth. Size of my spindles, like you, is also smaller than most recommend.9916
He he he, I hear ya Dom. I carry about four Bicks everywhere I go cause I'm get'n old too and I like lots of stuff, easier these days. :) Have a good one buddy. lb
He he, I've got two of those mini Tabasco bottles in my bob and day bag. Kind of a cool, ok hot, specialty item. Sure puts some life into those fairly boring and over salted cheap noodle packs...
Welcome to the forum Ellis from Ontario. :) lb
Hello and Welcome to the forum Canuckette! I too live in Ottawa and would enjoy discussing survival stuff with you over a coffee sometime in the new year. Nice to hear that you have fished before too...
Yup, been there once, works great. I keep my tiny tube in one of those cool little spy capsules as part of my EDC. :)
Congrats on getting the new camera. That can put a whole different perspective on a guy's stuff. I like the all around woodsman's knife look to this puppy. How many is that now dude? :) lb
So here's what we did a few days ago. :) 86658666 Invigorating stuff this is. :-) Anyone else use a hammock?
Hehe, so it's like, well, a thrill seeker thing to do then eh. :) lb
rofl Thanx Pale E O. :) lb
Hehe, ya Sarge, that's kinda like when I picked out my first gun ever. Single shot Cooey 410 push'n 3' magnums with birdshot, goose loads and plenty of slugs for dear or attempted defense...Same...
Very nice place to be Akkayla. Thank you for sharing your bush tour with us here. :) lb
Thanx Chris, all cookies it is brother. :) lb
Thanx Rick for show'n me the way...Everything is OK now. :) lb
Still have the Laubins book on Tipi's. Classic :)
Thanx Sarge, got a tab opening over there right now. Merry Christmas! :)
Oooolala. I know zip about that but is it ever one beautiful and very unique round, or what! Love look'n into ol' guy's gear 'n stull like that. Merry Christmas friend. :)
Heheh, yes sir, every kid needs to learn some of that different stuff, the cooler things that most other peeps don't know. It's like to them having like a "thing" something important that is theirs...
Thank You ElAmigo and here's some big Happy Christmas thoughts and wishes coming right back your way. Have a Great One! :)
Holy jump'n, yer right man. That would be a tough go up here in the great white north too, fo 'sho. Still, one could improvise say a layer of normal bales of hay, a layer or two deep with a BIG blue...
Whew, all those cool reply's from you awesome peeps in here, were a fix in one way or another, so Thank You, to all of you who came to the aid of a stranger, want'n & need'n to know something. Thank...