A good improvement would be rub it with flax oil and water proof it and i would say that's a beautiful bow!
Type: Posts; User: Ranger andy
A good improvement would be rub it with flax oil and water proof it and i would say that's a beautiful bow!
i sent her a song..... "why cant we be friends" lol i am one smart *** idk if i can say that on this web site
a bucher knife and i finaly am finished with that ****!!!!! woot:cool2:
i live (sorry sweety you thretend me with a KNIFE)
i lived but she is reading this form (i love u Sweetie ) i took there advice lol it saved me a trip to the hospital
i broke up but her friends are still out to get me!!! i think i just should get out of state
if i take ur advice i wont live till 14 and thats 16 days away
ya i take ur advice i wont live till 14 and thats 16 days away
i will continue this in a hour i got some hiding to do
and its only cuz she tried to kill me with a knife she was PIST
I'm in Mexico drinking cheap liquor lol jk im at my best friends house
I'm not going back and i can stay here for a month un till she comes after me
well i suppose Urrrrrrr a expert ! ! !
or was it Russia
no its survival coved no where els :bawling: i guess if all els failles i can go to my uncles in china:chinese:
i camped out for a week to servive my girl friends rage:boxer::dodge: but if i go back she will kill me:hammer::helpsmilie:nice knowing u guys!!!:angelwings:
come on try it lol
this is funny
thanks but my weak spot is the snow i am good any where els but i suck in the snow lol
grrrr........joking ha ha ha well thanks
well i did post it on my file
my bad........but can u look out a little less,please
i don't need u being a 2ed mom thanks!!!
do u guys know where to get flint around the city,by city i mean san josa
cool sites styric! ! !