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22 Visitor Messages

  1. Please leave any further messages with my pocomoonskyeyes2 account. I'm still the same person,just with a different account!! I will NOT be logging in with this account any more!!
  2. Folks I am abandoning this account. It just cannot be fixed it seems. So I will no longer be logging in on this account. Perhaps Rick or Crash will Ban this account or whatever is needed to do. I do not want to Merge the two, for fear of Contaminating my New account with whatever the problem is.
  3. View Conversation
    I am fine, thanks for asking. Haven't been on here for a while. Mom had brain surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago, she has the type cancer that just killed Sentor Ted Kenndy. The doctors said she only has 3 to 6 months to live.They said this cancer can not be stopped and is very fast moving. Please pray for her.
  4. Hey Rick! I'm logged in as #2, so you won't have to e-mail me.
  5. View Conversation
    hay man thanks for stopping your day to say hi!!! come chat sometime???
  6. View Conversation
    loged on for the first time in awhile just wanted to say hello
  7. View Conversation
    Just though it'd be polite to say hello while I was in here snooping around..LOL
    Looks like your gonna have a new knife to add to the album.
    Oh! That was a hell of a thing to donate that knife man! Your a good man Poco!
    Best to you always....Later Bro
  8. About Me... 49 y/o Male originally from the environs of the Okefenokee(has to be the easiest place to survive of anywhere I've ever been),who migrated north looking for work and other stuff. Have always been interested in Survival thanks to reading about mountain men and Native Americans.hoping to rekindle that love and desire to live off the land,(that won't be hard). I'm ex-military who had to use what I know on an occasion or two(never saw conflict in case you're wondering). Was Homeless for about a year or so and again was glad of what I know...(you might be surprised at some of the wooded spots you'd find in a city,I was.)
    With the current things the way they are I figured it might not be a bad idea to brush up,and learn more just in case.
    I believe that a knife is MORE important than American Express and in the last 5 years have left home without one a maximum of 5 times. It's just the most useful tool ever,it's the basis for making soooo much more. I usually have 2 or 3 on me....Hey does a mechanic use just one wrench?LOL Hope to make some good friends and improve on what I don't know so well.
    I have horses and that is an aspect I don't know a lot about in a survival situation and hope someone out there knows something that could help,i.e. emergency food for them.
  9. View Conversation
    The one your riding in your profile picture! Yes I shot him with my Ruger 243 and he made the Florida record book. Thanks
  10. View Conversation
    I hope I got enough on my profile. I love your paint!!
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05-04-2010 10:50 PM
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Parallel worlds Modern America/Native America

by pocomoonskyeyes on 08-10-2009 at 01:39 AM
Beyond a Shadow of a doubt Native Americans were/are the best survivalists this Nation has ever seen. I'm not saying that other cultures/countries did not have the equal to them in their respective places. Just that they were the best here in our country. Even Mountain Men learned from them and shared with other mountain Men.
As a child I dreamed of Indians. I wanted the Cowboys to lose so that their lifestyle could continue. Of course that was TV and everything had already passed on into

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Updated 08-11-2009 at 12:05 AM by pocomoonskyeyes (spelling correction)
