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    Thanks for the hello,I really like your quote, hope I can come up with something as thought provoking.
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    The family and I drove past your place today. I was going to stop, but figured it would be rude to just show up without calling first. My wife really loved the Hope area. Hope all is well.
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    Hi Sourdough ... have come across a few of your posts today and thought I'd drop a line here as a new member/visitor. Couldn't help but notice the subtitle under your 'backyard' profile picture as being on the Crescent Lake Trail. That wouldn't be the same Crescent Lake that's just north of Seward is it? I hiked in there some years ago and happened to hit it right, catching some bull grayling on a spinning rod rigged up with a fly (the Leonard fly rod I'd brought all the way from Maine decided to break after about the 3rd cast). Have enjoyed reading some of your posts so far and would love to pick your brain on some local information down the line. Regards ...
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About Sourdough

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About Sourdough
Retired Professional Hunter
Chugach National Forest
Daily upkeep of my homestead


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07-11-2011 12:34 AM
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Big GRIZZLY BEAR on top of me.

by Sourdough on 09-03-2013 at 12:06 PM
[QUOTE=Sourdough;409775]A Brown Bear Experience.

I was guiding a hunter in Wide Bay, it was the day before the bear season opened, so the hunter and I slept in. I had two 8'X8' "Bombshelter" tents set up facing each other about 6' apart. One was for sleeping and the other for cooking. I told the hunter to stay in his bag till I get the coffee made and the cook tent heated. So I crawl out of the sleep tent on hands and knees, and figure as it is only 6' till I have

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Have you changed your basic FOOD inventory theory or practice.....????

by Sourdough on 09-03-2013 at 11:53 AM
[QUOTE=Sourdough;411208]Have you reassessed your reserve food type or inventory allotment in the last 24 months........???

When I turned 65 y/o I assessed my basic theory for the next 15 years. Now nearly two years into the revised plan, I feel good about the new direction. I aspired to list the known natural disasters that had to be considered; Forest Fire & total loss of everything above ground, Being down wind of a Volcanic Eruption resulting in up to a few feet of volcanic

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Big GRIZZLY BEAR on top of me.

by Sourdough on 08-23-2013 at 09:01 PM
[QUOTE=Sourdough;409775]A Brown Bear Experience.

I was guiding a hunter in Wide Bay, it was the day before the bear season opened, so the hunter and I slept in. I had two 8'X8' "Bombshelter" tents set up facing each other about 6' apart. One was for sleeping and the other for cooking. I told the hunter to stay in his bag till I get the coffee made and the cook tent heated. So I crawl out of the sleep tent on hands and knees, and figure as it is only 6' till I have

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Wilderness can Change a Man........

by Sourdough on 01-30-2011 at 08:05 PM
The wilderness can change a man............
There is a real transformation that can metamorphose within a man who is alone in the wilderness. He can exit the wilderness fragile, very fragile, he is no longer sure where that which is himself ends and that which is not himself starts.

Everything is kind of fuzzy, and has a softness about it, all things appear slightly blurred to the eye, like after one has been crying, and it can be hard to distinguish where one object stops

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Updated 04-16-2012 at 11:21 AM by Sourdough


The dead Grizzly Bear.......well MAYBE.....?

by Sourdough on 01-27-2011 at 07:48 PM
Don't know if Curly Warren is still using that nice Grizzly Photo for his advertising. But an Italian Hunter and I had been storm bound in the bomb shelter for two days when the sky turned blue.

Step out of the tent and stretch and glass a bit. I spotted a porcupine and pointed at it, he thought it was a grizzly bear. I said, No Porcupine. He want to take a photo, and we needed a stretch and as it was mid afternoon we walked over there.

So it was not a porcupine but

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Updated 01-21-2013 at 05:50 PM by Sourdough
