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4 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hey Pancho I need your address. I need to send you something.
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks for the info. I'll be talking to him for sure. Looks like it's pretty easy to do just need the machine and stencils.
  3. View Conversation
    Just wondering how you put your company name on your knives? Acid etching?
  4. I respect your pulling out of that discussion...but I will not relent. The post was wrong and I have some thoughts for you to ponder...

    Let us remember most came here fleeing a corrupt government in the beginnings of America. We have shared this continent with Mexico since. Here is a thought to ponder... This continent was inhabited by red men, how did their become a difference in Mexicans and American Indians? The answer is simple American Indians were irradicated even exterminated at least in the borders of America so now who exactly is invading? Now hundreds of years later we find ourselves bothered by the same people that were oppressed? Indeed why did our forefathers stop at the Texas border? My GGGGGrandfather was one of the red men that tried to save the land of the Creek or Muskogee tribe. He was half white and that occured in the early 1800's By the way he was a Chief. So here we are about 200 years later discussing an invasion? LOL...His name is Red Eagle or William Weatherford III, look up the battle of Fort Mims. The drug cartel is the problem not the children of the ancestors of this land!!!!
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About panch0

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Date of Birth
October 2
About panch0
Married with Children
South TExas
Hunting, fishing, knifemaking, spyderco and traditionals slipjoint knives
IT Project Manager



Whether the knife falls on the melon or the melon on the knife, the melon suffers. (African Proverb)

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Times are tuff

by panch0 on 04-29-2010 at 11:34 AM
I am an American first and foremost. I am dang proud to be and I love this country and thank the good lord my ancestors decided to come and settle in Texas. I am a Texano(Hispanic Native Texan) and am proud of that too. I have ancestors who provided food and horses to Sam Houston’s army. I also have family who are Huastecan Indians from Veracruz, Mexico. I don’t know them much and 90% of my family is 100% American and LEGAL. Not very long ago I was driving down the road and a couple of punks almost

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