Onyxia's Lair is a classic raid in World of Warcraft (WoW) , offering unique challenges and valuable loot. This guide provides strategies, tips, and...
The essence of the American sex doll industry is the commercial alchemy of resisting death. The "youth lock" function of the torso sex doll achieves...
My name is April my family and I live 100% off grid way back in the tulies of North East Oregon, and when i say off grid we are twelve miles away from a paved road and must plow six miles of our own road. We have a boxed in spring, Solar, 800 square foot stick built cabin (can't take credit) with wood heat/ cooking only. 5000ft elevation
Blue Mountains/Eagle Cap range North Eastern Oregon
Homesteading..That covers well a lot! But I enjoy fiber works (spinning yarn etc)
Full time Homesteader we are 100% self employed
"Child if you leave these Mountains where your family is buried you'll likely not be long for this word"~ My Grandmother
At the age of five I took this to heart and soul, at the age of twenty nine well I'm still in these Mountains of North Eastern Oregon...