Of Ghosts and Men
, 08-11-2010 at 11:00 PM (8783 Views)
Where does life end and living begin I ponder as the work days grind on. The constant demands and ungrateful drain me of my humanity as quietly I am assimilated by societies force. A simple drone I be to those who would think themselves my better. Acting in accordance to the rules and laws of another would be king, however the emperor has no clothes for he too is but a simple drone buzzing about.
Where does life end and living begin reverberates rhythmically through my core as my primal and innate desires propel me to break free, from the cog in the machine to which I am bound. To submit my soul to the crucible of courage , breaking free from the metaphoric chains, standing upon my feet, Now seeing with true sight , the rose colored blinders removed, free and unfettered by societies demands that I remain as they, a ghost!
Where does life end and living begin becomes the mantra that the hammer sings as the blacksmith plies his trade upon the anvils face. Ring goes the hammer's blows forging weakness from my form. Body, mind and spirit a new being transformed. Annealed by my profession. Hardened by my experiences. Tempered in wisdom by time's passing now be I thrust into the baptismal waters and raise once more reborn!
Where does life end and living begin?