Snares & Snaring
, 09-02-2008 at 11:52 AM (20987 Views)
Snaring and snares has come up on here so many times I cannot count, so here is what I know of snaring the way I do it when trekking for a week or more in the forests, mountains, and river bottoms of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, remember this is my way and others here are more knowledgeable or professional guides who do this for living or live off the grid and do it as a way of life. I hope this helps you in some way.
The Modern Cable Snare
The modern cable snare is made of stranded steel cable. This cable comes in two basic configurations known as 7x7 and 7x19. The 7x7 cable consists of 7 strands of small diameter wire wound into a larger strand. Then, 7 of these larger strands are wound together to make the finished cable. The7x19 cable uses 19 very small wires wound into a strand with 7 of these strands making up the cable.
Steel Cable comes in several different sizes that designate the diameter of the cable. Cable measuring 3/32 of an inch in diameter is the most popular size for snaring.
Another integral part of the modern cable snare is a sliding lock. A Snare loop is pulled closed, the lock slides down the cable. However, the lock will not slide in the opposite direction. This is what keeps the animal from backing out of the snare or shaking the snare off.
Locks come in a variety of shapes, forms, and configurations. Some states require by law a relaxing lock which is defined as a lock that stops exerting pressure when an animal quits pulling on it. Locks that use springs or other powering devices to hold them closed are not legal for use in many states.
Modern cable snares also have some device on the end of the snare for fastening it in place. The simplest form of this is a loop fashioned in the end of the cable. However, most snares utilize a swivel as an end fastening device. Swivels are highly recommended because they allow the animal some freedom of movement while its detained in the snare. They also help keep the cable from getting badly kinked and twisted as the animal is detained in the snare wich could possibly lead to breakage of the cable.
Ferrules are used to hold the lock and fastener in place on the snare. These ferrules are hammered or crimped into place on the snare cable. There three basic types of ferrules: aluminum, coiled steel wire, and annealed steel nuts.
Another component that may be found on a snare is a stop crimped on the cable that prevents the snare loop from closing past a minimum diameter. These are commonly known as deer stops because they allow deer to shake a snare off its foot should the deer get its foot caught in the snare. Be sure to check your state regulations to make sure you get the legal snaring information needed.
Snare Cable
Modern snares are made of multi-strand steel cable. It is sometimes called aircraft cable. This cable is very strong and can hold an animal alive over an extended period of time. This eliminates the need to construct the snare as a lethal device. There are two basic types of cable. 7x7 cable has seven large strands of cable each made of seven small wires. 7x19 cable has seven large strands each made of nineteen small wires.
How the Lock Works
The lock is a very important part of the snare. The lock can only travel in one direction on the snare cable. The snare is set with an open loop so the animal can enter the snare. As the animal pushes against the snare, the loop is drawn closed and the lock slides down the cable. Since the lock cannot travel backwards on the cable, it holds the loop closed and keeps the animal from escaping.
A wide variety of snare locks are available.
Washer Lock
This is one of the more commonly used snare locks. It is called a washer lock. A deer stop may be required with this lock.
"L" Lock
This is an "L" lock. It functions in the same manner as a washer lock. A deer stop may be required with this lock.
"Thompson" Lock
This lock was one of the earliest locks developed for use with multi-strand steel cable. There are several other brand-name locks that follow this design. A deer stop may be required with this lock.
"Reichart" Lock
It is made from a bend washer. A deer stop may be required with this lock
"Cam" Lock
This is a "Cam" lock. The lever at the bottom of the lock binds against the cable in a camming action to hold the lock closed. A deer stop may be required with this snare.
"Gregerson" Lock
This is a "Gregerson" lock. It is made of thin sheet metal. This lock will tear away from the snare cable if a force of approximately 350 pounds is applied.
Ferrules are used to hold the lock on a snare. They are also used to hold the swivel on a snare or form an end fastener on the snare. The ferrules are hammered or crimped onto the snare cable. Special steel nuts are often used as ferrules. These nuts are heat treated to keep them from cracking when they are hammered on. Another type of ferrule is made of coiled steel wire. The coil is slipped over the cable and hammered in place.
It is highly recommended that a snare be equipped with a swivel. The swivel provides a means for fastening the snare in place and also provides some comfort to the animal. A swivel also helps keep the snare cable from getting too badly kinked and twisted while the animal is detained in the snare. If a cable gets badly kinked and twisted, there is a possibility it could break allowing the animal to escape.