Historical Trekking
, 07-09-2008 at 02:24 PM (58092 Views)
Some on here (8 more to be exact) have asked me once again what exactally is Historical Trekking and how is the group I go with different from todays hikers other than clothing. So, real good questions and here what is needed and you'll learn when joining our group The Miami Valley Historical Trekkers.
The Specific And Primary Purpose And Objectives Of This Association Are:
Promote study and research into the life and customs of early America from 1750s through 1780s.
Promote brotherhood and friendship among the members.
Extend a helping hand and cheerful spirit to those who are interested in muzzle loading in all its facets.
To support the right to keep and bear arms.
To support and encourage self-sufficiency.
To strive for excellence in marksmanship, woodsmanship, and historically correct representation of early America.
Membership in the N.M.L.R.A. will be left to the discretion of the individual member.
To encourage members to form and emulate a specific time period or group such as Roger's Rangers, Revolutionary War riflemen, scouting parties, French voyagers, long hunters, etc.
Clothing and EquipmentAll members are free to portray any authentic character of the period. Men and womens clothing should be described in detail. Descriptions should include the type of material of construction, leather, cloth, wood, etc. and types of buttons or closures, cloth patterns and style, etc. Clothing should adhere to documented patterns.
Accouterments: The equipment used should match the character being portrayed.
Possible bag or haversack.
Tomahawk or belt ax, hand forged or cast, brass or iron.
Knife with properly attached handle of period materials.
It is not required the knife be hand forged; and hi carbon steel is acceptable, but stainless steel and aluminum are not acceptable.
Whetstone of natural material.
Fire set, bow drill or flint and steel.
Period eating utensils.
Water vessel, such as cup, canteen, jug, or wood barrel.
Salt and seasonings in period containers.
Gun oil and cleaning equipment.
Sewing equipment: needles, linen thread or sinew, bees wax, and awl.
Shooting Equipment:.
A period flintlock. The gun cannot be of a later period than the character chosen.
Powder horn or other documented powder container. Describe the powder containers features such as length, material and engraving.
Hunting pouch or cartridge box. Describe its features.
The following are recommended, but a specific source of documentation need not be given. However documentation you provide will be recorded and used to aid others in their research, therefore will be appreciated.
A whisk brush, vent pick, and powder measure. These are often suspended from the hunting pouch.
Gun oil or grease in a period container. Traditional cleaning with clear water is expected at MVHT events.
The following items are common and must be of period design and materials:.
Bullet bag, Rolled cartridges, Priming horn.
Cloth patching, Lock cover "cows knee".
Bullet mold, Flints, Screw driver, Knapping hammer.
These items are not required. It is only necessary that a member be able to load, shoot, and properly maintain the flintlock, from the bag, with efficiency. When attending MVHT events one should be prepared to shoot at least 25 rounds.
Other historically correct items may be carried in the hunting pouch according to the individuals character portrayal.
An accouterment need not be an exact copy of an original; a reasonable extrapolation is acceptable.
Clothing should adhere to known and documented period patterns.
Levels In The Group
Level One - Scout:
Build a fire by two methods, flint and steel, plus one other.
Sharpen a knife and a tomahawk.
Cook three authentic meals that are correct food and utensils for this period.
Demonstrate the proper loading, shooting, and cleaning of a flintlock.
Cast twenty-five usable balls over the campfire, using historically correct tools.
Shape your own gun flint.
Camp overnight, using only period equipment.
Hit a 10-inch round target 5 times at 50 yards within 5 minutes.
Do any two of the following:.
Hit a 7-inch diameter target, offhand, 5 of 5 shots at 50 yards.
Demonstrate knowledge of trap or snare by catching a game animal for food or trade.
Make a set of moccasins proper to your character's geographical area.
Level Two - Hunter
Shoot a live rabbit on the run or hit 2 out of 10 shots at a facsimile of a rabbit of lifelike size and shape while it is moving at 20 yards. The speed of the target can be variable and is to be determined by the Rifle Master.
Spend three days and two nights, at least 48 hours, in a period encampment in each of the four seasons.
Participate in two or more of the following.
A 2-day canoe trip.
A 3- day walking journey covering 30 miles.
A 3- day horse journey covering 75 miles.
Prepare and present a 30-minute lecture on a period subject.
Complete the following timed event:.
Simon's Gauntlet:
Hit three 6-inch square targets at 50 yards.
Hit three out of five shots at an 18- inch diameter gong at 100 yards.
Set two traps.
Start a fire.
Stick a tomahawk 3 out of 5 throws.
Hit 2 out of 3 shots at a 6- inch square target at 25-50-75 yards, total 6 hits.
Obtain winter clothing appropriate to your area to consist of:
Winter coat.
Mittens or gloves.
Ground cloth.
Shirt and pants or equalevent befitting your job (frontiersman, soldier, militia, colonial).
Complete any two of the following:.
Load and fire a flintlock at an 18-inch diameter target at a distance of 30 yards, 10 out of 10 shots.
During a 3-day, 2- night camp in requirement number 2, carry only one day's ration and take all supplements "off the land".
Hand stitch a cloth shirt.
Level Three - Woodsman
Spend five days and four nights, at least 96 consecutive hours, in a period encampment.
Make meat with a flintlock.
Improve your previous time on "Simon's Gauntlet.".
Organize and execute a two-day period encampment for a group.
Do ONE of the following:.
Shoot the following targets for a minimum score.
Offhand 6 Bull 25 yards, minimum score - 40.
Offhand Single Bull 50 yards, minimum score - 45.
Hunter Style 6 Bull at 50 yards, minimum score - 40.
Hunter style single Bull at 50 yards, minimum score - 47.
Participate in a 48 consecutive hour period encampment, taking no food, living only "off the land." This encampment must be completed with a group companion.
Hand-stitch an article of clothing in cloth or buckskin.
Level Four - Frontiersman
Take a large game animal with a flintlock.
Participate in a 72 consecutive hour period encampment living only "off the land." No food can be taken and must be completed with an Group companion.
Hit an 18-inch diameter gong.
10 out of 10 at 50 yards.
7 out of 10 at 75 yards.
5 out of 10 at 125 yards.
For a total of 30 consecutive shots, all offhand.
Complete a 7-day campaign with three day's rations while spending no more than two days in any one camp. This campaign must be made with an MVT companion.
Complete ONE of the following:.
Win a first, second, or third place in a flintlock match at a shoot under NMLRA rules where no less than 20 shooters are competing.
OR , score 50 on a Single Bull target, at 50 yards using cross sticks,.
OR ,score 48 at 50 yards offhand in 5 shots at a Single Bull target.
OR ,hand tan a hide using period tanning procedure and make an article of clothing from it.
While we do go to some events such as Fort Ticonderoga and other re-enactments we do not do battle re-enactments, usually we are there at the main camp for a few hours and then do a trek. We work alot with schools teaching, the boy scouts teaching, the Archaeological Institute of America, and other colleges in the areas we trek and keep notes on how things work, this allows us to get grants and special license for small game hunting (rabbit, squirrel, pheasant, turkey, and duck in National Parks).
Hope this helps, anyone interested contact me by pm, our current membership is at thirty three and growing. We do do other treks with other groups such as Les Companies du Detroit, COHT, Harmon's Snowshow Company, and others throughout Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and even Illinois.