View Full Version : General Homesteading
- "Mayflower" book
- Activated charcoal to filter water
- Solar Food Dehydrator
- Solar Power for home
- Discovery Channel - DUAL SURVIVAL
- How to Build an Outhouse
- Wilderness Living - How It Really Works
- A Generator for Survival
- Getting real close!
- Pics From Around My Homestead. . . .
- Attack Geese/Ringneck Pheasant/Killer Peacocks
- A good soource for tools.
- running out of gas?
- Leaving Home
- Wood shed
- Water in the winter
- Basic Comforts of life
- Simple Homestead Construction Methods
- Can We Agree On Some Definitions?
- do i need a john deere
- Spring cleaning of your House Top
- Homemade Mosquito Control - Citronella Cleaner
- Solar Cooking and Food Drying and Solar Stills and Root Cellars
- Any Soapmakers on board?
- DIY: Homemade lye soap
- The Broke Survivalist, A Learning Experience
- "Dugout Dick" - The Last Legendary Loner of Idaho
- Horse Power.
- Aluminum "Dutch" Oven......??? Iodized....???
- Everything "DUTCH OVEN'ISH" (Good-Bad-Ugly)
- Chiggs New Diggs
- Pickled Eggs
- Boiled peanuts!
- Bank Financing for off-grid cabin?
- Water Well PUMP Installation...How hard can it be.....???
- weeds vs gardening
- Getting set up on Yukon River
- Lean-to, Poor man way to add storage.
- Cleaning the Throne
- Oil Lanterns.
- Mr. Dumas has a question for the Alaskans
- pressurized gas lamps
- pole construction
- Pre made houses
- PLUMBING Roof VENTS for a simple cabin.......Is one vent enough.....?
- 100# of BOL "SURVIVAL" Nails.
- Wind Generator Plans?
- Simple Wind Harvesting: The Windbelt
- Solar pannel died
- simple,easy and cheap summer solar water heater
- easy no heavy lifting log cabin
- Some electrical questions....Please keep it simple answers.
- blown bulb
- HOW....????? Does a "Ecofan" work....?
- Off the grid with Les Stroud
- Taxes
- Closer to finished.
- Old timey cooking -Whatsit ?
- Lets talk fire wood
- Officially off the grid
- wasp trap
- new furniture
- solar panel charger on sale
- Electric log splitter
- Own a piece of history- rural property For Sale
- Hand wash your clothes
- May accept job as watchman
- Low-tech, cold climate indoor shower
- Broken window panes
- Building pièce-en-pièce
- Backwoods Home Magazine
- newbie needs direction on issue..
- Rocket Stove Design Tool
- Burning Off Our Place...Getting Ready for Spring
- Depth of Shelter
- refining sugar
- Question for the Ak forum members
- pot belly stove.
- Instructables- Earthbag construction
- Anyone have a Sedore Stove
- Sharpening A Hand Saw
- Well or Artesian Spring
- How To Find A TRUE Spring
- Rope and plank bridge ?'s
- a swift kick right in the
- New tub from Habatat
- My crock is cracked
- Solar Powered Fridge.
- rough as a cob barrel stove
- Just bought a TOILET, maybe by October.....?
- One more reason to teach children, "Survival".
- Ceiling Light Electrical Box.......Question
- Tools that earn their keep
- How to approach a rural/remote cabin or camp.
- Rain Barrel
- Sustainable agriculture pdf library
- Land For sale
- Just thought I'd share.
- I got a "POOPER".......I Got a "POOPER"
- When to move a tree?
- Estimating fuel storage for wood cutting
- Real, Genuine, authentic, Power too Me.....Woopie.
- I did it.
- Electric power line size QUESTION........?
- YCC would cringe!
- Crosscut saw
- Start of my Urban Garden
- Electrical UPDATE......
- I retired the barrel stove
- just one crank
- Electrical Question: 100 amps 30 feet=wire size...???
- Cowboy's Vacation
- I got me a trespasser!
- Watched too much Prenoeke..
- Regal Cook Stove
- various energy resources
- Wall tent life?? Experiences? Advice? Tips, Tricks? Cook/camp stove help?
- another old gas lantern
- New Home Stead - North Kakolaki
- Tree Farming
- How do I build a log cabin?
- Mylar Blankets- Inside or Outside?
- Homesteading on the water
- All sorts of cabin Porn.....28 pages.
- Chain Hoist
- Missed yall! But been Learning to Timber Frame!
- Link to some old time books and mauals
- Home made TP
- Jumping in with both feet and one cane
- Casting Call-Soon-to-be Homesteaders
- sheetmetal roofing
- Fence posts?
- Farmers Coop
- Going to Town
- Tractor guys....question
- driving a well point
- Our New Place
- Sometimers' disease....again
- Networking with OTGers in WA
- Survival in the russian forest
- Converting My Tiller to Run Propane
- Almost everything you ever wanted to know in two links
- Struck water@ 2 feet
- Iowa Farms Under 4ft of Sand
- Tractor guys, brush hog question.
- Duck Ponds, Ditches, and a New Garden
- Mowing a steep bank
- Retirement projects
- Diatomaceous Earth
- Finally: a root cellar!
- Substirute for 2 cycle oil?
- small chainsaw
- Slow Sand Filters for long term water collection and sustainment.
- Found on mother earth
- Painting! Sort of!
- Looking for some remote property
- Lazy or smart?
- Well Bucket Hygiene
- Lawn mower
- Television series: Wartime Farm
- Wood stoves........what are y'all using?
- Do you remember your firewood?
- Mice wars of 2012...fall addition
- Stumps and pumkins
- Wilderness Cabins
- Half your wood and half your hay, You should have on Candlemas Day---or Old sayings
- Hand dug wells
- Inverter W/motor Running
- Alaska/Canadian Wilderness
- Magazines?
- Lost a big old oak......
- Large-scale stump removal and log-moving
- Looking to livein wilderness
- Happy People, a Year in the Tiaga
- Fuse Box Diagram for 2008 F250 Super Duty
- Interesting wood splitter
- Farmers have had a tough year, and it shows!
- Don't keep all of your eggs in one basket!
- Overheard conversation...
- ALASKANS plz soundoff here.
- DIY Network - Building Alaska
- Light limitations for gardening
- The Refuge
- I think I'll put this here.
- Land in the middle of nowhere
- Why Don't LADIES want to move to the remote WILDERNESS........???????
- homesteading - the real truth? (advice wanted) - newbie, but not green.
- Tractors for the Homestead.
- steam engine and other machinery of my youth
- Need advice from the elders (buying land or a house)
- Moving off the grid (USA)
- Wind turbine at home
- Livin' it
- "Kelly" broke my lead rope...
- any lonely place on the earth?
- Painting the Homestead
- Pros & Cons of various woodsplitters for the homestead
- Frontier House
- Looking to startout.
- A New Milestone!
- solar 'farms'
- Mud houses
- Off the grid
- some roofing projects
- So you want to go live in the wilderness…..
- Cabins
- Could you BURN your Homestead/retreat to the ground and walk away.
- Tractor over heating
- no more flat tires
- I hate Fire Mitigation work..........."BUT"
- 4,000 gallons in 48 hours
- Wanted to share this resource - copies of old pioneer books from 1800's
- Free Library on Homesteading
- Free Book - Around the Old Homestead
- Butchering Poultry
- Rugmaker's Homestead
- home made wind powered generator
- One Big Honkin' Rabbit - For Those That Raise Them
- How Long Can I Keep Food Stores?
- OUTDOOR Lighting.........????
- Infant Care - The infamous cold
- Alaska State Owned Land-good Deal?
- Is the Gerber Gator Machete any good?
- Off Grid Floating Cabin with Floating Garden
- Hauling weights on a trail...
- Location, location, location
- Homemade laundry detergent
- Advice for a beginner on everything necessary for Living in the Wild.
- Living of the land in Alaska?
- Heating
- Homestead Security for Women
- Power Off Grid - The Water Baby
- Anyone burn coal?
- Leaving it all behind... Where do I start
- Living in the Trees
- What are to going to do about your flooded basement?
- National Geographic Documentary
- Firewood Facts
- Tiny Houses
- Like Life Below Zero
- Discouraged
- Oatmeal and Goat Milk Soap Making
- Homesteading Safety...
- Dogfood for chicken feed
- Question for Alaskans
- 4 Month New Hampshire wilderness living?
- Farm City
- This weekends project.
- Off Grid Clothes washing.
- Potbelly stove repair
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