View Full Version : Making Stuff
- Flintknapping
- Best wilderness shelter
- Water
- Clandestine Gardening
- How would you make these
- How to repair a digging hoe
- How to repair a digging hoe
- Panga the best cutter
- Steam Pit -- Cooking Food and Bending Wood
- Pole Lathe -- Shape Wood and Bone
- oops, i put this in general discusion instead of here, it's about bowls and spoons.
- how to stay warm on a winter night
- Bug spray?
- Atlatl
- old weapons from wood
- how i can find a flint stone
- food
- how to make fire by bow drill
- i dont know if you call this "prinituve technology"
- Curing animal hides
- Torches
- Flint Knapping
- rope tieing
- Firebow
- Fireplow - Help?
- bow and arrow help fletching..... any thing to do with bow and arrow
- fishhook & line and hammer/tommyhawk
- bow wood
- hi
- no knives allowed
- My turn for a brutally sarcastic thread!
- Most durable shelter
- Fire bow, ember but no fire!
- shelters
- stove
- Turtle traps
- When you say primative
- okay kiddies lets get back on track
- Acorns
- Fire drill
- Rope making
- Figure 4 deadfalls
- Here we go again!
- Beechnuts
- Homemade Pemmican Recipe
- Favourite bush tea
- spear fishing
- natural containers
- least favorite primitive fire making method
- Anyone know about Witch-Hazel??
- Fire Saw?
- Rabbit Skin Blanket
- Hunting
- water tight baskets
- weather forcasting
- Permanganate fire starter
- Carrying fire ember
- Fire Hardening Weapons
- flint and steel question
- weekends a coming
- Log Raft
- Pass around knife
- Self Bows
- Survival Bow
- Modern Equipment... Blahhh!!!
- an old Resource
- Tanning leather
- The Atlatl
- How much would you pay for this?
- fuzzsticks
- Game Calls
- What you think of this?
- Making Charcloth
- firing a bow
- fire bows
- Fire Piston
- Slingings ??
- Crossbow ?
- Anybody survive a natural disaster?
- Fire Treating Flint?
- Char Cloth Problems
- Hafting
- I was wondering...
- Tinder Tube
- New Pea Shooter
- Pump Drill
- Rock on Rock Firemaking
- Wilderness Way Articles
- Primitive Tec 101
- The Art of Doing Nothing
- For You Atlatl Fans
- plant transperation and water procurement
- Fishing Nets
- the oft' forgotten carrying yoke
- wood of cow
- Organic, biodegradable GPS and compass
- Organic Fish Hooks
- the uglybow, expedient bowyering with poor woods
- Blowgun Fishing
- Who Will Do Well If TSHTF?
- Tump Advantage
- Spear Foreshaft of Elk or Deer?
- Slightly More Techincal Discussion of the Atlatl
- Serrated or Not?
- need help with the backs aof my arrowheads
- Bola
- Getting Bait For Fishing
- Making your own tents or oil cloths
- Pass around knife?
- Falconry
- Blacksmithing
- Otzi
- Knowledge of Primitive Technology
- Native Tech
- Survival is Making Works of Art
- Oil / Fat Lamps
- Throwing knives/hatchets
- Using a Bolas in survival....
- TIC TAC Flashlight
- Living Completely Of Grid...
- Lifestyles of Early Man
- Fire by Rock
- fatwood
- Boat Plans from One Sheet Plywood
- Cool off-grid cabin
- *Homemade Food Dehydrator*
- Problem with seasoning my bows....
- Using Bamboo
- Making a knife
- Misc tips: cheap buckles, candles, more
- DIY Oil furnace for melting metal
- Wanna make a dug out canoe
- Get your X
- attention knappers
- Shelters
- who makes bows?
- Crossbows
- Rock ID
- Trench
- The Perfect Pot
- Pics
- Billie can
- brain tanning buff skin
- Wax Stove
- Carving a Wooden Spoon
- Spear
- sharpened points
- Looking for ember-burning, carving tutorial
- Tanning
- Pop Can Alcohol Stoves
- Improvised Oil Lamp
- How to Make a Birch Bark Torch
- How to Make a Quill Pen
- Knife sheath
- sharpening
- Lost one - Made Another
- Couple things I've been tinkering with.
- Squeeze Tube Containers: Uses and Refill Steps
- How to Make a Compass in the Bush
- Just made this pouch
- How to make water proof matches.
- Wanted: tent peg light
- Hand sanitizer as fire starter, not recommended in wet conditions
- How to use a leather awl?
- For those who think alcohol burns cool
- Using Space Bags
- Knife material ideas
- homemade knife
- My First Try At Knapping
- Squirrel Pole
- Basement still
- Glow in the dark stuff
- Planning on living in the woods up north for the next few years...
- Plastic Film Canisters
- Homemade blowgun
- Reuse your old toothpaste tubes for peanut butter! (pics)
- Hello, its Mario!
- poncho liner
- Mountaintrekker and the invention of the "crap strap" Pat Pending:)
- Make plastic blowgun cones
- homestead hot tub
- Hole shelter
- homemade tomahawk
- Boxed wine makes good survival sense
- Some more frugality
- Methane - Biodigesters?
- Homemade Bug Out Meals
- How to make bark cordage
- Expedients: Duct tape, super glue etc.
- Quinzees...
- DIY Solar and Wind turbine plans?
- DIY Generators
- Make your own heat pack from chalk
- A great high energy food
- Need some advice on woodworking tools
- Crawdad Trapping
- hashbrowns
- natural sunscreen
- Pine tree cordage??--
- Mosquito Repellent / Wart Cream !
- Went to work on an old ALICE pack
- Coffee Can Longevity?
- Fermenting Milk
- Variation on Hobo Stove
- Solar Oven - The Ugly American
- Passive Solar Hot Water Heater
- Mt. GOAT HORNS for handles...? any idea's, maybe KNIFE handles
- My Figure 4 Deadfall trap prototype
- air borne container
- New Pass Around Knife
- Grill
- Making a Campfire
- 2nd Pass Around Knife Rules and Regs...
- Has anyone worked with Sandvik 19C27 Stainless
- Here it is... Making a potatoe gun :)
- DIY Berkey ceramic filter element
- Tools of Yesterday
- string for bow [and arrow] (question)
- My First Arrowhead
- RR spike knife
- Old Cordage
- Home made traps.
- Machete Modifications for the Bush
- Knives made for Grandson
- Making Light 2-Ply Hemp Rope
- Wooden bowl/cup
- Two-handed Rope Chain
- My damascas knife is done for now...
- Ice House
- Musid Of The Wild
- For Wood Workers
- Natural glue
- How To Make Pine Pitch
- Making Stuff Books
- video of me shootin'
- Arrow
- Bow making
- Makeshift Arrow Fletching
- How many make their own gear?
- Soy Sauce
- railroad spike tools/metal working
- did some experimenting
- Making stuff
- Convert Garbage to Useful Products
- Bladesmith schools?
- PDF on leatherwork well worth a look
- Green Willow Chairs
- Got Sponge?
- sandals
- The M6 Survival System
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