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Thread: What Do I Need To Survive in the Wild?

  1. #301


    Quote Originally Posted by crashdive123 View Post
    Apparently others can see your pics and the problem lies with either my computer or provider.
    Perhaps other people can't see my pics either, for example I posted a pic of a deer in rifle crosshairs and asked in the next post if the hairs were centred on its heart, but nobody's replied (sniffle)
    Last edited by Dropship; 10-02-2021 at 01:24 AM.

  2. #302
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    Or.......maybe just nobody responed.
    Can't Means Won't

    My Youtube Channel

  3. #303


    i see them all.
    A man full of grits is a man full of peace.

  4. #304


    I just pooped in the woods. With nothing, Guess that solves that eternal question.

  5. #305
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    But every answer creates more questions, for instance, are you really a bear?
    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  6. #306


    Dad's nickname for me. Doesn't fit. But if I fart in the woods and nobody's there to hear it... did I really fart.

  7. #307


    I went out and tried it. Doing laundry now.

  8. #308
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    It depends on if we are downwind or not. Hearing doesn't really matter in some cases. This be one of 'em. Skunks be another. Six of one I guess.

  9. #309


    I have had the displeasure of cleaning skunk sprayed dogs many times in 63 years. There is nothing that sticks with you like the stank of a sunk soaked dog in a truck driving 60 miles in FL in the summer. BTW I didn't shoot him.

  10. #310
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    "Many times"

    You must love that dog.
    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  11. #311


    Yeah. 12 years and counting. He's a keeper. That 2 yo puppy heeler though... we may take a walk and only one comes back. He's a ****head. And won't tolerate a bath. tick tock.

  12. #312


    Quote Originally Posted by crashdive123 View Post
    Apparently others can see your pics and the problem lies with either my computer or provider.
    I just love me some SPAM.
    Last edited by Rick; 12-17-2021 at 04:32 AM. Reason: Removed Link

  13. #313


    You will need a Swiss army knife, a knife, a compass, a map, fire-starting equipment, a first-aid kit with bandages and toilet paper, a flashlight, a waterproof matchbox, and a whistle.

  14. #314
    Senior Member VnVet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachary66 View Post
    You will need a Swiss army knife, a knife, a compass, a map, fire-starting equipment, a first-aid kit with bandages and toilet paper, a flashlight, a waterproof matchbox, and a whistle.
    I live on privately owned land in the Chattahoochee NF. Do me a favor and don't come here because bodies stink as they decay.

  15. #315
    Senior Member Michael aka Mac's Avatar
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    Ok, so I understand those having a Rambo Fantasy, or those that feel like they have to prove something to themselves out in the wild. I think pretty much every guy on the planet could relate to this at some point in their lives. What people do not think about is the consequences are of 'Being over your head' in a survival situation. To outright place yourself in a 'Live or Die survival situation' is crazy, outright dangerous to say the least. Realize even experienced hikers, hunters, mountaineers have met their maker in the wilderness; Look at that movie star from Warlock franchise that still hasn't been found after a couple months now.

    Those of us that have actually gone into the wilderness with only bare essentials can tell you something: Yes, it is nice to know that you can survive under these circumstances, but damn, does it require a crap load of physical exertion, you will burn a crap load of calories, and your whole body is going to feel it when you get back home.

    I am not even 50 yet, and even I will say that I would like some luxury items to make the experience more comfortable. Sure, I can make cordage using what I find in my surroundings, but do you have any clue how long it takes to make cordage? Do you know how long it will take to make a bow and drill with your knife, and how long it will take you to make an ember? Your arms are going feel like you have been lifting furniture all day long. Not to mention your back from being in the position you have to be in to use the bow n drill.

    So yea, Rambo, way cool concept, doing it though, been there done that, now give me that self-inflating air mattress, and that ultra thick mattress pad, as this guy wants to be able to enjoy the outdoors, instead of working my *** off all day long.

    With that said, I still think it is a good skill to have under your belt, and it is better to test your survival experience in your own backyard, or at a campsite, so that you can hone in on what part of your skills needs advancement.

  16. #316
    Senior Member Michael aka Mac's Avatar
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    Whoopsie, after reading everyone's post I neglected to read the title of the thread

    What Do I Need To Survive in the Wild?

    not what do you need- as in general info

    Will, desire, fortitude, & stubbornness: to never give up.

    I think the above says it all. We can say that there are things we have to have for survival, and yes, all of those items are extremely beneficial, but are they truly a must to have? The fact is there are countless stories of immigrants that have had nothing but the shirt on their back and an empty water bottle trekking across the continent.

    There are also numerous native villages that live in clay huts, with handmade tools, that have found a means to survive without the luxuries that we have here in the USA.
    I think that we as human beings tend to get accustomed to a certain level of luxury in our lives, and that has geared us to where we are now, pun intended.

    I know for me, what I need to survive in the wild includes music. a very comfortable hammock and mattress pad, and a warm enough sleeping bag that I don't freeze my @$$ off. My brain says I need a certain type & style of knife, but truth be told, I am sure I could make do with practically anything, I just would be 'beachy' about it.

    I guess there is a difference between tribesmen that live this ultimate survival way of life daily compared to us weekend warriors.

  17. #317


    Here's his thread.

  18. #318


    Looks like this can be a roadmap on which one should be learned first in order of importance - they are all important though. I found this app call SAS survival guide in the playstore and it has lots of guides on reading a compass, starting a fire, figuring out your current position etc basic signaling, first aid etc.

    However, one thing I noticed that is most important is having the mindset to survive, the willpower.


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