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Thread: survival kit in fishing pack

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default survival kit in fishing pack

    does anybody think its strange that i keep a survival kit in my fishing pack along with my fly fishing stuff like a tarp,a fire kit, a small firstaid kit,headlamp,cordage,a lifestraw,and a metal water bottle and a roll of tp i do a lot of river fishing and some places are remote my thought is if i get lost or if i get washed down stream i have at least something with me just incase i screwup

  2. #2
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    Not at all strange. I always have "something" with me when I'm in the woods or exploring, even on a day hike.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    thank you the reason that i pack that stuff with me is i have spent a few cold and wet nights and days and didnt have anything execpt my wadding jacket and wadders on and it sucked bad

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    You're going to have to really try to come up with something these folks around here find strange....


  5. #5
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    The "be prepared" thing isn't just for Scouts.
    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  6. #6
    Senior Member kyratshooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james tibbitts View Post
    does anybody think its strange that i keep a survival kit in my fishing pack along with my fly fishing stuff like a tarp,a fire kit, a small firstaid kit,headlamp,cordage,a lifestraw,and a metal water bottle and a roll of tp i do a lot of river fishing and some places are remote my thought is if i get lost or if i get washed down stream i have at least something with me just incase i screwup
    You are on a forum where every member reading this post carries more gear than that when they go to the grocery store!
    If you didn't bring jerky what did I just eat?

  7. #7


    Not at all! It is a smart thing to do.
    So many people neglect survival kits, and people could have saved so many lives if they had access to basic survival tools. You don’t need a lot to make a fire, catch some fish and survive in a forest.
    Sometimes even a small knife or some alcohol to apply on a wound can save your life. I also wear my survival kit everywhere I roam, and I have used it not once and not twice. And not only to help myself but also to help the others who had nothing. And I don’t even spend a lot of time building one. I just order them from and use them everywhere I go.
    Last edited by Ovidiumark; 05-29-2022 at 08:16 AM.

  8. #8
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Hola! I've been to Panama City! I used to walk in the middle of El Chorillo and yell, "Your mother is soooo fat.." jokes. This one really made them mad....Yo mama's so fat, it took me two buses and a train to get to her good side. That's right, I'm bad.

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