I have no theory, only curiosity and a desire to know more than I speculate we will ever learn.
That kid missed his calling, he should have been signed up as a pretraineed recruit by Special Forces! I have taught thousands of kids over the years and probably had 3-4 in that 35 years that might be capable of doing what he did without a hint of nervousness in any of the pictures or without slipping up and acting strangely around friends after the event, or even having friends. All were sociopaths, and this terrorist kid does not have that profile.
We are getting the media show for the masses, face time for the politicians and a package tied up with a neat little ribbon. The media/political complex at its best.
What do they do to the Islamic people in Boston anyway? You send an arab to Atlanta and he mellows out, gets a job at the 7/11, buys a house, walks his dog and dies of old age. Send him to Boston and he steals jets, runs them into skyscrapers and blows up folks down at the festival!