I see by your replies you are a gentlemen.. and
since you were good enough not to cancel my membership after what I posted, I owe you an explanation.
I did retake the quiz; in the same fashion as I did the first time, through a Yahoo search.
Both times the quiz was presented to me directly without going through the home page.
The first time, I didn't bother 'brushing up' on the side text.
I wanted to see how informed I was or wasn't without any other input.
After I completed the quiz, I clicked on grade me and saw my score was 85%.
Huh? 85%, 21 questions ??
Sorry, but the generally accepted rule when presenting percentages is to take the ratio to three significant figures,
so 85.7%, or better yet, 86% would have ameliorated my growing skepticism.
But let's continue.
I looked around to see if there was a discussion about the questions I missed.
I didn't find anything but some wise-*** comments about what I needed to work on.
I can handle being made fun of as long as everyone is let in on the joke.
So after taking the quiz a second time, I looked again and got the very same results,
no buttons.. no arrows.. no signs.. nothing but a big DOWNLOAD BUTTON with the caveat..
"We'd sure like to sell you something." (paraphrasing)
I don't know about you, but I don't like downloading anything off the web I'm not sure of.
But don't take my word for it, go see for yourself.
That said, I did find information here I found to be useful, and thank you for it.
I won't hold it against you if you do decide to terminate my membership .. but
if you do allow me to continue, please don't expect me to accept being treated like a doormatt.