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Thread: How to Get Started: Advice from one Newbie to other Newbies

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by crashdive123 View Post
    Wow! I'm sure with that as your second post, you will endear yourself to the membership here.
    I see by your replies you are a gentlemen.. and
    since you were good enough not to cancel my membership after what I posted, I owe you an explanation.

    I did retake the quiz; in the same fashion as I did the first time, through a Yahoo search.

    Both times the quiz was presented to me directly without going through the home page.

    The first time, I didn't bother 'brushing up' on the side text.
    I wanted to see how informed I was or wasn't without any other input.

    After I completed the quiz, I clicked on grade me and saw my score was 85%.
    Huh? 85%, 21 questions ??
    Sorry, but the generally accepted rule when presenting percentages is to take the ratio to three significant figures,
    so 85.7%, or better yet, 86% would have ameliorated my growing skepticism.

    But let's continue.

    I looked around to see if there was a discussion about the questions I missed.
    I didn't find anything but some wise-*** comments about what I needed to work on.
    I can handle being made fun of as long as everyone is let in on the joke.

    So after taking the quiz a second time, I looked again and got the very same results,
    no buttons.. no arrows.. no signs.. nothing but a big DOWNLOAD BUTTON with the caveat..
    "We'd sure like to sell you something." (paraphrasing)

    I don't know about you, but I don't like downloading anything off the web I'm not sure of.
    But don't take my word for it, go see for yourself.

    That said, I did find information here I found to be useful, and thank you for it.

    I won't hold it against you if you do decide to terminate my membership .. but
    if you do allow me to continue, please don't expect me to accept being treated like a doormatt.

  2. #42
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Central Indiana


    But...but.....that's your name. By the way, Crash is a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.

    The quiz isn't designed as a be all end all of survival tests. It's to have some fun and see what you know. I did go out and take the test at your urging. I did get a score and I did have a button that let me see the ones I missed. It functioned as it's suppose to. Directly below the Download banner are your test results. You don't have to click on anything else or download anything. The download button is part of an advertising banner. Here's a snapshot of the results.


    You can see the three missed questions below the advertising banner.

    How you arrived at the quiz has no bearing on the results. Different roads to the same destination.

    Finally, advertising keeps the forum afloat. You don't have to purchase anything.
    Tracks Across the High Plains...Death on the Bombay Line...A Touch of Death and Mayhem...Dead Rock...The Griswald Mine Boys...All On Amazon Books.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Rick View Post
    But...but.....that's your name. By the way, Crash is a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.

    The quiz isn't designed as a be all end all of survival tests. It's to have some fun and see what you know. I did go out and take the test at your urging. I did get a score and I did have a button that let me see the ones I missed. It functioned as it's suppose to. Directly below the Download banner are your test results. You don't have to click on anything else or download anything. The download button is part of an advertising banner. Here's a snapshot of the results.


    You can see the three missed questions below the advertising banner.

    How you arrived at the quiz has no bearing on the results. Different roads to the same destination.

    Finally, advertising keeps the forum afloat. You don't have to purchase anything.
    geez.. another gentleman with more good manners.
    can we amend my name to real_heel-on-the-doormatt.

    thanks Rick.. I can't say I saw what you sent me in the link the previous times, but my glasses are in need of a new prescription..
    and no doubt, you are thinking, so are my meds.

    I'll see if I can conform and get with the program.


  4. #44
    Senior Member kyratshooter's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    KY bluegrass region-the center of the universe


    Quote Originally Posted by doormatt View Post
    here's a question for you..
    as a Kentuckian.. at what point, did your fingers begin out numbering your teeth?
    I presently have the vast majority of my own teeth, and not under my pillow either.

    This is an accomplishment for which I was nominated for the position of mayor of my small town.

    Unfortunately the postmistress' dog and the small engine repairman's goat both got more votes than myself.

    It is just as well, the responsibilities were more than I wanted to deal with and the goat is doing a fine job!
    If you didn't bring jerky what did I just eat?

  5. #45
    Woodsman Adventure Wolf's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    North Carolina


    I just saw this post for the first time. Great post. I know its old, but the original poster still got reputation from me for it.

    With the influx of new people, I want to respond to it and make it active again. I have no problem doing that because its a sticky.

  6. #46
    Junior Member Tokwan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Penang and Kulim Malaysia


    Great piece of writeup.....
    I'm a Gramp who is not computer savvy, give me a slab and the rock ages tablet..I will do fine!

  7. #47


    just saw this post for the first time.

    Of course, since I just joined to spam your site that should come as no surprise. You guessed it......I'm just a stupid spammer out of the Philippines.
    Last edited by crashdive123; 06-22-2020 at 06:33 AM.


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