When doing my Introduction from the template, I saw the question about "How prepared are you?". This reminded me of a list my friends and I compiled back in 2003. I don't know if there are standard "levels" of preparedness that people adhere to, but just for fun and discussion I am posting my old list. So feel free to help revise it if you'd like, and definitely post "What level are you at?"
The List:
Breaks down into 4 Levels, that are based on a 4 Level categorization of the type of event you are prepared for. I include here the 4 Levels of disaster, and some of the disasters that fall under each category:
Level 1 - Disruption of Service
-ice storm/blizzard
-small scale blackout
-small flood
-small EQ
Level 2 - Pro-longed Disruption of Service
-largescale blackout
-hurricane/large storm
-water contamination
-train/industrial accident
-natural gas disruption/fuel shortage
-massive flood
-massive EQ
Level 3 - Extreme Societal Disruption
-financial collapse
-nuclear accident
-bio/chem terrorist attack
-nuclear terrorist attack
-conventional war
-martial law
-meteor strike small
Level 4 - Societal Collapse
-full nuclear war
-meteor strike ELE
Then within each of the four levels, there is a further classification. A, B, and C. A person can have a rating at each of the four levels. (ie: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4c). Level D would be completely unprepared for disasters of that type.
-A: As prepared as on can reasonably be
-B: Actively Prepared for such an event
-C: Limited or no preparation
-D: (not shown) Completely unprepared for such an event.
#THE LIST (How prepared are you?):
-Disaster preparedness kit.
-Food and Water for 1 week without rationing.
-Heating source
-Useful supplies in an emergency
-Enough food and water around to survive a week.
-no preparation, surviving because you have to
-Food and water for 3 months without rationing
-Disaster preparedness kit
-Fuel and heating sources
-A large store of water and moderate supplies of food
-useful supplies in an emergency
-some fuel and heating source
-enough water and food to survive several months with
severe rationing
-some source of heat
-ability to produce and preserve enough food and
water to survive in real-time and through a winter
without external support
-a renewable source of heat
-no dependence on fuel or electricity except from
renewable sources
-long-term survival preparedness kit
-some ability, and stored knowedlge necessary to
produce and preserve enough food and water to survive
in real-time and through a winter
-a renewable source of heat
-no dependence on fuel or electricity except from
renewable sources
-long-term survival preparedness kit
-some ability/knowledge in growing your own food and
preserving food to survive a winter, and obtain water
-limited dependence on fuel or electricity
-long-term survival preparedness kit
4A (Generally this would recquire a community)
-proven through actual experience to be able to hunt
for enough food to survive
-able to make own hunting tools without any supplies
-knowledge of eatable plants and sources of water
-able to build a house with no supplies
-survival training
-library of human knowledge(for skills you lack)
-able to build basic shelter with no supplies
-able to forage for food and hunt with hunting tools
-knowledge of eatable plants and sources of water
-some survival training
-some stored human knowledge(for skills you lack)
-stored survival knowledge(for skills you lack)
As for me
Back when I made this list, I rated myself a:
1A, 2A, 3C, 4C
Enjoy and discuss