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Thread: Reinforce My Front Door

  1. #1

    Default Reinforce My Front Door

    I live in a condo association where there have been many recent break-ins. I've got my Mossburg under my bed, but I'd need a few seconds to wake up and get my bearings before I'd be prepared to blow a hole in an intruder.

    My condo door has just one dead-bolt. Somebody could kick in my door in a heart-beat and be in my house, ready to attack me and my family, and I wouldn't have more than a second or two of warning!

    So my question to all of you:

    How should I go about reinforcing my door? Should I just buy another dead-bolt? I just don't feel like that's enough. I'd like to have a steel perimeter around the door, so it would be really tough to kick down.

    Has anybody tried this?

    I've googled "door reinforcement" and various other keywords of that nature, and nothing good comes up.

    Does anybody have any good resources or ideas?

    It would have to be inexpensive, since I have hardly any disposable income, and it would have to not detract from the ascetics of my home (my wife would go ape-sh!t)

    Thank you!!!
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  2. #2
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    When I homesteaded out on Lake Clark, I ordered a custom Door. The door was steel, and had three deadbolts one each 6" from the top and bottom, and one in the center, plus the fourth hole for the locking door knob. The door was ordered 48" wide, with four hinges on the inside. The door jam was heavy steel that telescoped together with lag bolts from the inside. It was made by a company in Canada that builds fireproof doors for boiler rooms.

    I should think the cheapest thing for you is a cross bar, but run it past the jam and over to the first set of studs.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    Mr. Pickles - there are a whole host of "things" that you can buy to prevent a door kick-in. Since budget is a concern, I would start off simple and cheap (I like those words when I can use them together). Most door/frame combos are purchased as a single unit and not put together very securely. If a door is kicked in, it is often the frame that gives way, so here's what you do. Replace all of the screws for your hinges and door plates. Just remove them one at a time (they're probably about 1 1/2" long) and replace them with 3" or 4" long screws. This way the "hardware" for your door is not just attached to the cheap frame, but rather into the cripples, or studs surrounding the door.

    A crossbar certainly will add to security, as will a vertical blocking device that is propped under the door knob with the other end against a blocking device or plate on the floor. Of course your boss (wife) will have to approve of the aesthetics of something like that.
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  4. #4
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Start on the outside to protect what's on the inside. Walk outside and look back inside your windows. What do you see? A computer? A big screen TV? If you can see it so can a burglar. Take a look in the day time and at night with the lights on inside. You might want to adjust the type of window coverings you have so folks can't see inside as easily.

    If you purchase a new item like a computer, don't throw the box out with the trash. It's a billboard advertising the fact that you just purchase a brand new computer. If it must go out with the trash then flatten the boxes and place them under your trash can so they are less obvious.

    Remove shrubbery or trim it back so it doesn't make a nice concealment area around doors and windows.

    Leave your outside light on at night if possible.

    Now for the inside and reinforcing your door.

    The Tuscon Police Department has a great site with some outstanding information on preventing burglaries. Go to this page:

    and click on Burglary. It will download an excellent pamphlet on things you can do and ways to protect yourself.
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  5. #5
    non-senior senior member Assassin Pilot's Avatar
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    As previously stated, assuming you have a solid door (the first step to preventing break ins), it is usually the frame that breaks. One lock is enough, but if you really feel a bit insecure, try adding those chain locks that they have in hotel rooms. Those are surprisingly strong.

    Also, the door is not the only point of entry. Often the robber will enter from the windows. There are a couple of stupid things people overlook on their windows sometimes:
    1: They have screws on the outside, that once removed, allow the whole window to come off and allow the robber to enter silently, and steal anything smaller than the window (almost everything expensive in your house).
    2: The windows on the bottom floor are left unlocked/open (trust me, no robber is going to go through the effort of entering through the top floor(s) unless they know you got something really good).
    3: (not really pertaining to windows but) If you don't have a security system. Most robbers will be deterred by simply seeing a sign saying you are protected by someone. The robbers are usually teens or people in their twenties who are looking for money.
    4: There is a lot of cover around your windows. If the robber sees this, they can take as much time as they want to quietly open up that window with a pry-bar.
    5: Going back to the doors, make sure your window has a strong frame. I've known of several people who have simply entered by prying the frame off of the window.
    6: You have no yard lights. While it may be bothersome or sound stupid, light is a robbers worst nightmare. Besides security cameras of course. But those are on the expensive side.

    Now if you think someone is really going after your house, you can also opt out for polycarbonate or whatever windows. Those can even take a brick thrown at them and bounce it back at the robber.
    "He who throws dirt is losing ground"

  6. #6


    Thanks for all of the wonderful suggestions. I live on the second floor, so windows are not much of a concern, but I will take all that you have said into consideration.

    For right now, the idea from Crash "Just remove them one at a time (they're probably about 1 1/2" long) and replace them with 3" or 4" long screws." Would probably work out best, since it sounds like the least expensive option.

    But all of you had wonderful suggestions. I'll make sure to take an 'exterior view' of my windows to see if their are expensive looking items that potential thieves can see.

    Best wishes to you all, I hope you all had a happy Halloween!!!

    I didn't get one trick-or-treater, must be because all the family's go to safer neighborhoods(sp?). It kind of made me sad, now I'll have to just eat all of the candy, although my boss (wife, LOL) will eat a lot too, and then complain about how fat she is, even though she is thin and gorgeous (I'm not just saying that). You can never win with women. They always think they are fat. I just keep my trap shut and don't say anything when the subject comes up, unless it's "Awww Honey, you're out of your mind, you're beautiful." Anybody have any surefire phrases they use on their wives?

    Or better yet, are there any women out there who will contribute and tell us 'cavemen' what the best thing to say to our wives are when they talk about being fat?

    Peace everybody!
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  7. #7
    Live simple-Live free
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    A nice little sticker that say's (protected by shotgun) would work great for your door. Placed right below the peephole. you do have a peephole-right???

  8. #8
    Super Moderater RangerXanatos's Avatar
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    A dog may help your situation. Doesn't have to be a big one, just one that will bark when it senses something is wrong. It will warn the perp to leave your home.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member RBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Pickles View Post
    I live in a condo association where there have been many recent break-ins. I've got my Mossburg under my bed, but I'd need a few seconds to wake up and get my bearings before I'd be prepared to blow a hole in an intruder.

    My condo door has just one dead-bolt. Somebody could kick in my door in a heart-beat and be in my house, ready to attack me and my family, and I wouldn't have more than a second or two of warning!

    So my question to all of you:

    How should I go about reinforcing my door? Should I just buy another dead-bolt? I just don't feel like that's enough. I'd like to have a steel perimeter around the door, so it would be really tough to kick down.

    Has anybody tried this?

    I've googled "door reinforcement" and various other keywords of that nature, and nothing good comes up.

    Does anybody have any good resources or ideas?

    It would have to be inexpensive, since I have hardly any disposable income, and it would have to not detract from the ascetics of my home (my wife would go ape-sh!t)

    Thank you!!!
    You would think a steel jamb (vertical door frame) would be the answer. In practise - they are almost easier to defeat than a wood jamb. A quick twist with a pry bar and the door pops open. Run into this all the time on the job.

    I guess my only suggestion would be a cross bar - if you have any space to mount the brackets.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member nell67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Pickles View Post
    Thanks for all of the wonderful suggestions. I live on the second floor, so windows are not much of a concern, but I will take all that you have said into consideration.

    For right now, the idea from Crash "Just remove them one at a time (they're probably about 1 1/2" long) and replace them with 3" or 4" long screws." Would probably work out best, since it sounds like the least expensive option.

    But all of you had wonderful suggestions. I'll make sure to take an 'exterior view' of my windows to see if their are expensive looking items that potential thieves can see.

    Best wishes to you all, I hope you all had a happy Halloween!!!

    I didn't get one trick-or-treater, must be because all the family's go to safer neighborhoods(sp?). It kind of made me sad, now I'll have to just eat all of the candy, although my boss (wife, LOL) will eat a lot too, and then complain about how fat she is, even though she is thin and gorgeous (I'm not just saying that). You can never win with women. They always think they are fat. I just keep my trap shut and don't say anything when the subject comes up, unless it's "Awww Honey, you're out of your mind, you're beautiful." Anybody have any surefire phrases they use on their wives?

    Or better yet, are there any women out there who will contribute and tell us 'cavemen' what the best thing to say to our wives are when they talk about being fat?

    Peace everybody!
    whatever you do,DO NOT say,"honey,you're not fat,just pleasently plump".... You'll be in the dog house for sure

    I'd drop the "you're out of your mind" thing too,LMAO!
    Soular powered by the son.

    Nell, MLT (ASCP)

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by RangerXanatos View Post
    A dog may help your situation. Doesn't have to be a big one, just one that will bark when it senses something is wrong. It will warn the perp to leave your home.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    A nice little sticker that say's (protected by shotgun) would work great for your door. Placed right below the peephole. you do have a peephole-right???
    Both of these are wonderful suggestions, but to address them:

    My wife and I cannot wait to get a dog, but since my second-story condo is only 1000 sq ft., I feel like it would be mean to confine a dog in such a small environment.

    Yes, I do have a peephole, and I definitely check it when someone comes knocking, which is rare. The only thing with a sticker, because I have thought about putting sticker up before, but do any of you think that a sticker might invite a robber to break in when they know I'm not home so they can get a gun that registered to someone besides themselves?
    Maybe that's just being wayyy too paranoid.

    And thanks Nell, for telling me to drop the "you're out of your mind" words. After thinking about it more, it does sound a bit weird. I guess the best suggestion is the one I had mentioned, and what was not broached by any of you (except for Nell you sweetheart, god, please tell me Nell is a woman), don't say anything when the subject comes up!!!
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  12. #12
    Senior Member nell67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Pickles View Post
    Both of these are wonderful suggestions, but to address them:

    My wife and I cannot wait to get a dog, but since my second-story condo is only 1000 sq ft., I feel like it would be mean to confine a dog in such a small environment.

    Yes, I do have a peephole, and I definitely check it when someone comes knocking, which is rare. The only thing with a sticker, because I have thought about putting sticker up before, but do any of you think that a sticker might invite a robber to break in when they know I'm not home so they can get a gun that registered to someone besides themselves?
    Maybe that's just being wayyy too paranoid.

    And thanks Nell, for telling me to drop the "you're out of your mind" words. After thinking about it more, it does sound a bit weird. I guess the best suggestion is the one I had mentioned, and what was not broached by any of you (except for Nell you sweetheart, god, please tell me Nell is a woman), don't say anything when the subject comes up!!!

    Hey Trax,maybe you can anwers Mr. Pickles last question for him?
    Soular powered by the son.

    Nell, MLT (ASCP)

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by RBB View Post
    You would think a steel jamb (vertical door frame) would be the answer. In practise - they are almost easier to defeat than a wood jamb. A quick twist with a pry bar and the door pops open. Run into this all the time on the job.

    I guess my only suggestion would be a cross bar - if you have any space to mount the brackets.
    I thought a steel door jamb would be very effective, and I found one here,

    but after your contribution, I think I will just stick with a cross bar for now, if my boss (wife) allows it, if not, then I'll start with the longer screws, as we talked about earlier and one of those chain locks, which I don't think my wife will have a problem with.

    Thanks again everybody!
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  14. #14


    Hello, new here. I was wondering what type of place you lived in, as I lived in Downtown Detroit for four years, and though there was robbery, murder, rape, etc. everywhere I looked, the thought of somebody kicking in the door was not at the forefront of my mind. Folks in my building would get robbed through windows, only on lower floors. There were no dogs permitted, and the guys that terrorozed that block knew that. Seems to me, if a guy is going to break in to take something, he would want to be quiet. My suggestion for a heavy sleeper would be a dog, and one of those decorative hotel style latches that swing over a knob. If you feel that at risk, get three of those. That would buy you enough time to get a clear head and then take his off.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Ole WV Coot's Avatar
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    Something simple under the doorknob, motion alarm hanging on doorknob. Remember you have to have them in bed with you, get shot or cut then you Maybe have a legal reason to shoot.
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  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Ole WV Coot View Post
    Something simple under the doorknob, motion alarm hanging on doorknob. Remember you have to have them in bed with you, get shot or cut then you Maybe have a legal reason to shoot.
    LOL. Funny you should say that, a news story just came around where a perp. broke into a guys house, the guy shoots the perp. in the belly (can't remember the gun type), and now the guy is in trouble with the cops.

    Great idea though! Thank you.
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  17. #17
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    They should have offfered the homeowner range time so he could practice.
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  18. #18
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    I think that a 2x4 laid snug against the door and a back wall or screw in a block about 3 fet from the door to brace the dor or even the jam.
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  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by HOP View Post
    I think that a 2x4 laid snug against the door and a back wall or screw in a block about 3 fet from the door to brace the dor or even the jam.

    Great suggestion, I like that idea a lot!

    Thank you all for all your assistance!
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