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Thread: If you could....

  1. #1
    Super-duper Moderator Sarge47's Avatar
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    Cool If you could....

    If it were possible to redesign the Boy Scouts to help them focus more on the woods & Survival training what would you do any different, if anything? I know the 1st thing I'd do is use their present uniform as either a "Class A" or even a "utility", but it's not really designed to withstand "extreme outdoors conditions". For a field uniform I would go to something along the line of an O.D. BDU with the aforementioned "survival bandana" to replace the decorative kerchief. Also a 'Boonie" hat to replace the ball cap. Just an idea; maybe even
    re-building the scouting concept altogether...Wolf-Pack style! Well, it's pretty early in the morning so I'm just thinking out loud.
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    It's been a long, long, long time since I was in the Boy Scouts. Took a look at some of their clothing and gear options here and my how times have changed. I'm not sure where their teachings are targeted now. Although I love the idea of woods, wilderness and survival type training I think a well rounded program is important. While getting kids that live in the city or urban areas out into the woods is important, it may not alway be practical. Teaching a kid from rural areas how to survive in a metropoitan area may be important as well. What about our members that are currently in the Scouts or Scout leaders - what do you think?
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  3. #3
    missing in action trax's Avatar
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    I'd include mixed martial arts and boxing training. Then they wouldn't have to help them little old ladies across the street, they could scare them across the street. (Maybe I'm missing a concept here...hmmm..)
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  4. #4
    non-senior senior member Assassin Pilot's Avatar
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    There should also be a certain amount of required amount of time spent camping in order to advance ranks. I like the idea of more outdoors-type uniforms. Cause the ones they have now are basically for show, they only really wear them at meetings. Then again, the BS is more on helping people and being a good Samaritan rather than outdoor survival (don't get me wrong, a good portion is for outdoor survival, but a larger part is for helping others - which is a good thing, I don't want that changed ).

    One of my more personal (and controversial) issues with the BS is that I think anybody should be able to participate, regardless of religion (or more specifically, lack there of). They do not allow Atheists or Agnostics to participate at all, and there are some who are kicked out for it (many join young and religious, but later on decide they do not believe in God). I also believe homosexuals should be able to join, even though that isn't a personal issue of mine.

    I'm sure there are people on these forums though who would disagree with my views, and I don't want to start any argument, but I felt compelled to post this as it is one thing I think should be changed.
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  5. #5
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    Hey - no arguments AP. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, just like they are theirs.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member nell67's Avatar
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    Exactly,and since that was one of the rules wayyyyy back when it was first started,then it should be adhered to.

    Nothing is stopping those who do not believe from starting up different group where it is not a requirement. Most packs and troops are chartered by churches.
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  7. #7
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    Like AP, I have mixed feelings about the boyscouts. I was a cub scout then a weeblo when I was a kid, well until I got asked to leave for fighting. Never really took to it, well, they never really took to me either. Being raised by a single mom and at that time, religion had been thrown out the door.

    Back in the late 90's, Allan, Eric, and myself use to teach archery, knife throwing, hawk throwing, and I would throw in a little flintknapping at the big get togethers.

    Still, the religion and the homophobic restrictions irritate me. Ya know, kids are kids, some boys are more effeminant than others, that does not mean their gay and at a young age, their minds are all screwed up. Stereotypes are just hard to beat.

    As for a homosexual man being a leader, it really does not bother me. I'm more concerned with the rough tough over preaching gay bashing individuals. You know they're hiding something.

  8. #8
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    I don't know that anything needs to change. There are still groups that participate in outdoor activities like hiking and camping, etc. But not everyone enjoys that and not every environment is conducive to wilderness training. Just because we support it doesn't mean it's right for everyone. Some groups may prefer science or animal husbandry or aviation. I say Bravo to them. The point is the kids are doing something besides sitting in front of a video game. They are socializing with others their own age and, hopefully, honing their moral compass and learning about something they enjoy. That's the essence of scouting not what craft they are practicing.
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  9. #9
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    I think it's a good place for those kids who do not have fathers around, or have fathers that really don't take interest in their kids lives.

  10. #10


    being an army brat i was in and out of both cub and boy scouts in my youth. moving every other year it was tough to get established in a pack. i thought it was a great experience. all i know of modern scouting is what i hear in the news. it seems they have fallen victim to political correctness b.s. i think they would be better off giving up any public funding, be totaly private funded and get back to the basics. fvr is correct it could be a great place for young men whos fathers have no interest in their lives.
    Last edited by chiggersngrits; 08-27-2008 at 12:19 AM.
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  11. #11
    OLD SPRUCE mike k.'s Avatar
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    The BSA mission is to convey solid moral values through an outdoor program.
    That is what our adult leadership aims for. The values are pretty straight forward. Scout oath, Scout motto, and Scout laws. If you want the specifics, just search it. Anyway, the most important aspect of scouts is to have fun by experiencing the outdoors. This involves learning of course. How to be comfotable in the wilderness. Learning survival skills etc.
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  12. #12
    Super-duper Moderator Sarge47's Avatar
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    Cool Go B.S.A.!

    Sad to say, not all Scout troops are "Outdoors Orientated". Also, many of the boys are young, starting at age 11. The topic of this thread was not what Scouts are currently doing, but to ask what would you do if you had the chance? I was never a Boy Scout. Mom said we couldn't afford it, so I took my meager allowance & went to "Ethel's Resale Shop" in West Burlington, Iowa, & bought me an entire uniform...very used, of course. But I still was not allowed to join the Scouts. I found out later that it was also because of neighborhood politics that stood in the way. So I picked up an old "Handbook For Boys" for a dime & learned how to make a type of skillet bread that seems to be a lot like "Hard-Tack"! My brother & I loved it! When I went into the Job Corps program at 19 I wound up in an old Army base in McCoy Wisconsin. There a Vista Worker, named Bob, started up some camping activities for all interested. It sort of became an unofficial "Explorer" post, only no uniforms or knives, not even pocket folders. (Job Corps Regs.) A couple years later I was back home & signed on as an Assistant Scout Master. It took awhile before I could afford a full uniform but in the meantime I was loaned an Explorer Uniform. Interestingly enough, one does NOT have to have been a Boy Scout or Cub Scout to be either an Explorer Scout or an Assistant/Senior Scoutmaster, but should have, in my opinion, some knowledge & love of the outdoors. I think that if I were going to re-form the scouts I wouldn't really do much with the Boy Scouts; too many legalities with the young ones. I'd probably focus more on an Explorer Post. Everything would be focused on outdoor activities, including Survival Training as well as fishing, canoing, hunting, campfire building, woodcraft, & so on; & one of the very 1st things that would be taught would be 1st Aid!
    Oh, & no big knives! Not for awhile anyway. More on this as it develops!
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