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Thread: Abandoned Range Trip

  1. #1
    Senior Member kyratshooter's Avatar
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    Default Abandoned Range Trip

    I had to leave the range Friday. Some guy showed up with his kid and I decided I did not want to go home shot.

    The kid was about 10 and knew all about dominant eye, flinch prevention, drop of a .22lr out to a mile, sight adjustment and the benefits of Break-free over G96, but Dad had not taught him a thing about muzzle discipline or keeping the dang thing pointed down range.
    If you didn't bring jerky what did I just eat?

  2. #2
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    No doubt the source of future gun fail videos. We had a national guard center in my hometown. They had a shooting range in the basement of the building. The ceiling had metal panels chock full of round indentations where guys (officers probably, I know NCO and enlisted would never do this) had begun their handgun shoot pointing straight up then lowering the weapon toward the target having it abruptly fire in the process of bringing the weapon down. Muzzle discipline is kinda important especially when looking down the barrel at squib fires and the like. Yeah, kinda important. Glad you're okay.
    Tracks Across the High Plains...Death on the Bombay Line...A Touch of Death and Mayhem...Dead Rock...The Griswald Mine Boys...All On Amazon Books.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    My dad never really taught me muzzle discipline... He just taught me discipline... So, when he said don't ever point a gun at anyone, EVER... I knew what that meant without him having to go into specifics... ONE time and ONE time only, my muzzle passed across him.... He had that look in his eyes as he told me if I EVER did anything like that again he'd wrap the barrel of my rifle around the nearest tree... He would have done it too...


  4. #4
    Senior Member Deimos's Avatar
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    That's sad, Kryatshooter. Not only because It ruined your day...
    But because the little guy could evolve into a decent sport shooter If his dad was more stern with him. But I'm not even sure If he will stay on the sport, by the looks of It.
    I own some stuff, and I know some things. But that's all.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I've been to a public range a few times, as in about three.... On all of those occasions there was someone doing something that was annoying or unsafe... One guy walks past 12 stations to set up right next to me then looks at me funny when my brass is bouncing off his rifle. He decided to move... I'm fortunate to have several other places to shoot, including the back yard. So, I do...


  6. #6
    Tool & Die Maker
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    One gun range I go to has 3-4 range officers on duty that make sure everyone shoots in a safe manor. They are rather harsh when someone makes a mistake. I got a lecture a couple of times

  7. #7
    Senior Member Deimos's Avatar
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    I only shoot at Daniel's private range (Daniel is a friend of mine) and at private property. Most of the time, it's at my dad's farm.
    So I don't have any bad experiences at the range. Daniel simply don't allow the entry of anyone who migth be a hassle at his range. And he acts as the "gun grandpa"/range officer, I learned a lot from him.
    But I'm still just a amateur. I see that when we do "big boys" shooting, like clay disks shooting.
    I own some stuff, and I know some things. But that's all.


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