November 1 is the magic number here in KY. I went to get groceries today (11/2/22) and spotted 4 deer dead on the interstate in the 4 mile trip.
Rutting bucks chase the does out of cover and often across the roads. Since I-75 is a bumper to bumper two wide flow moving at 75mph from Detroit to Miami the deer have a low chance of surviving as pedestrians. That north/south artery also cuts through some of the best deer country in the world.
Over on I-71 it is often more death ridden. I once pulled off the road and counted more than 60 deer grazing in the median about 30 miles east of Louisville. The fence that borders the interstate along that highway will show a dead deer against the wire at least once a mile during the rut and that highway is 90 miles long.
I know it starts at different times as one moves north or south, but here it usually starts in early November due to length of daylight, temps and food supply.
When I lived in TN the start was late November.
I have heard that in south GA and FL the rut does not start until January?