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Thread: Foraging and pollution; how do?

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick View Post
    Of course, no husband in his right mind would complain. That transcends all geo-political boundaries. If wife No 1 fixed you a steamy hot cup of bat poop coffee, you, too, my friend would give it a sip, a thumbs up, a wink to wife No. 1 and assure her it was the best cup-o-joe this side of Starbucks and she was the prettiest barista you had ever laid eyes on. That's how we stay married.

    Welllll, sorta... cept I make the coffee... but smile, and thumbs up to why it wasn't good, and promise to try and do better tomorrow... That's how I stay married....

    She only drinks half a cup anyway. I get the other 11 1/2 cups...


  2. #42
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Oooh. I ain't even gonna think about that prettiest barista thingy. I can see the name on the cup now...Aln...So sad.
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  3. #43
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    The baristo gets prettier as the pot get emptier...


  4. #44
    Senior Member VnVet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan R McDaniel Jr View Post
    Unless it's flowing out of a cavern where it runs through a floor of 10,000 year old bat guano.....

    Nah, I get it tested by the Board of Health. We live on privately owned land in the Chattahoochee NF about 20 miles from the nearest <9K town.

    In 1990 to 1992, I accepted a position in Detroit, MI. I was an automotive design engineer and at the time that was the place to be.
    My dog's feet swelled from going out a night. I took her to a Vet who told me about all the pollution and to take her out to a different area. I did and her feet stopped swelling. Nah, between the pollution and draconic gun laws; MI was not the place for me.

    BTW, there aren't any bat caves here or that matter, any caves at all.

    If you live where decades of industrial pollution is commonplace; all I can say is move or wait until you retire and then move.

  5. #45
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    I have visited Ruby Falls, deep inside Lookout Mountain in Tennessee. Really an interesting place. The water falls are a few hundred feet underground. The streams and lakes are the clearest, crispest that you have seen. I remember the tour guide talking about the water. Although clean, clear and untouched by man - you do not want to drink it. The mountain has large deposits of magnesium (which the water flows through). The high concentrations of magnesium act as a laxative (think Phillips Milk of Magnesia). Also think.....the scene from "Dumb and Dumber".
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  6. #46
    Senior Member VnVet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crashdive123 View Post
    I have visited Ruby Falls, deep inside Lookout Mountain in Tennessee. Really an interesting place. The water falls are a few hundred feet underground. The streams and lakes are the clearest, crispest that you have seen. I remember the tour guide talking about the water. Although clean, clear and untouched by man - you do not want to drink it. The mountain has large deposits of magnesium (which the water flows through). The high concentrations of magnesium act as a laxative (think Phillips Milk of Magnesia). Also think.....the scene from "Dumb and Dumber".
    That sounds beautiful.

    I'm familiar with the affects of Phillips Milk of Magnesia.

    About 25 or so miles from here is a 186' waterfalls where there used to be a dam.
    On Nov.6, 1977 at approximately 1:30 a.m.., the Kelly Barnes Dam failed, sending floodwaters over 186-foot-high Toccoa Falls and onto the campus of Toccoa Falls Bible College.

    The steep ravine between the dam and the college funneled the water into a swift and powerful wave, about 25 feet high. Students, faculty, and staff living on the campus a short distance downstream were caught unaware as they slept. The flood caused an estimated $2.8 million worth of damage, predominantly confined to college property. The dam likely failed due to high water finding its way through irregularities and defects in the dam. The watershed above the dam had received several inches of rain over the few days leading up to the failure and up to an additional 3.5 inches on the night of the failure.

    The water falls is still there as the dam has been long gone.

  7. #47
    Super Moderater RangerXanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VnVet View Post
    That sounds beautiful.

    I'm familiar with the affects of Phillips Milk of Magnesia.

    About 25 or so miles from here is a 186' waterfalls where there used to be a dam.

    The water falls is still there as the dam has been long gone.

    Not too far from me then. Toccoa is about an hour from me. We went to the falls earlier this year. There’s actually a lot of lesser known falls in the area.

    There is also at least one cave. Really hard to find but has some really neat history. It is called Romans Den. I did fine it but was not going to dare try going in during the wet winter.'sden.html
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  8. #48
    Senior Member VnVet's Avatar
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    We're to the North of Toccoa.
    Yes, there are more than a few waterfalls in the area.

    I'm familiar with Roman's Den, it's on the West side of Currahee mountain. As your link mentioned, it is in pretty poor shape today.

    Currahee is Cherokee for stands alone. Actually, Currahee is the mountain and where the Airborne trained was Camp Toccoa.
    There is a military museum in Toccoa filled with WWII memorabilia. And, there has been a lot of restoration work done at Camp Toccoa. They have rebuilt a couple of barracks and have are restoring a WWII C-47.

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