Heck I guess my palate de cafe is just not that refined. I am just a Folgers instant coffee drinker.
Heck I guess my palate de cafe is just not that refined. I am just a Folgers instant coffee drinker.
A man full of grits is a man full of peace.
I’ve gotten better flavor from cowboy coffee by not allowing it to boil, a longer steep just shy of boil.
Sometimes I wander because I’m lost
I used to carry the "coffee in tea bags" (like Folgers produces) camping but I have a very high tolerance for coffee, which brings me to the real answer..."best" is in the palette of the coffee drinker.
True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.
And, Pinsc, I second that. In fact cold brew can be incredible.
True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.
I will add, as a retired Navy guy..............coffee is my life. Everybody else just dabbles in it.
I limit myself to one pot in the mornings... but that one pot is going to happen come Hell or high water... There is no substitute...
I am an amateur among professionals. I take my hat off and raise a cup to you, gentlemen.
Tracks Across the High Plains...Death on the Bombay Line...A Touch of Death and Mayhem...Dead Rock...The Griswald Mine Boys...All On Amazon Books.
Coffee is a miracle drug. It raises me from the dead every morning and keeps everyone else from the dead after that...
For the record, I only drink Decaf as per the Doctor's orders, so for me it isn't a drug, it is just a good cup of Joe. It also means that the flavor is that more important to me, as that is all i get out of it lol. ( well that and anti oxidants) it is kind of why i have like 8 varieties of coffee beans
You used the word decaf and the phrase good cup of joe in the same sentence.
Helicopters in the air, news crews not allowed into the area, National Guardsmen standing around looking nervous... spectators whispering "decaf" with worried looks on their faces...
SWAT arrives and in a very loud and commanding voice "Step away from the coffee cup".
Had an old CW4 in my unit that made coffee in the field he called "Hobo coffee". It consisted of boiling water and coffee in a clean(?) white sock and placed in the water. After a while, was it good! He was replaced by a young CW2 that made his own version which was just putting the grounds in the boiling water and, after a while, pouring a little cold water over the brew to drive the grounds down. It was good also. Of course in both cases, the circumstances drove the analysis.
When Wealth is Lost, Nothing is Lost;
When Health is Lost, Something is Lost;
When Character is Lost, ALL IS LOST!!!!!!!
Colonel Charles Hyatt circa 1880
Tracks Across the High Plains...Death on the Bombay Line...A Touch of Death and Mayhem...Dead Rock...The Griswald Mine Boys...All On Amazon Books.
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