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Thread: canned bacon

  1. #1

    Default canned bacon

    soon we will experience a bacon shortage here in america, and it will cause prices to rise quite a bit .
    so while we can still buy bacon at wally world in 3lb bulk packs for around 7,80,
    why not not put by some to can up. it's mainly due to massive pork shortages in china,
    the ASV african swine virus has wipped out most of the pigs in asia,

    so there ya go see articles at iceage farmer on youtube,
    coyotes listen to them, like children of the night what music they make.

  2. #2
    Senior Member kyratshooter's Avatar
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    KY bluegrass region-the center of the universe


    So there will never be another pig raised in Asia?

    And they have to have all our pigs?

    Who says we have to give them our pigs?

    Or is all our bacon really coming from China and we no longer raise pigs?

    I was just talking to a friend a few days ago about the price of bacon being near the $8 a pound mark while I can buy pork chops for $1.49 per pound. Around here good bacon has been $8 per pound for several years. You can get scrap cuts and artificial stuff at Walmart cheaper, but it is probably from those sick pigs in China.

    Somehow I can not see the extra work of brining and smoking bacon being justification for a six fold price variation between the two locations of product on the swine!

    And my favorite food, smoked, cured country ham, ran past my financial capabilities long ago. At $10-$12 per pound a whole ham can run upwards of $200. My grand father would have had a stroke if he looked in the smokehouse and thought he had his retirement funded after killing a dozen hogs!

    For this I will take a "let them eat cake" attitude and begin my worries when pork chops hit $5 a pound. I like chops better anyway. I have found that these specialized reports and predictions are usually more about speculation and wishful thinking that fact and the results are far different than the expectations.

    Secondary question, how did an African virus wind up creating an extinction level event in Asia? Or is it like the Spanish Flu, that really started in Kansas? Blame it on the Africans! Dang racist virus!
    If you didn't bring jerky what did I just eat?

  3. #3


    We eat very little pig (contrary to the pics of a Kracaneuner Camp). When we do eat it; we eat small portions. Just developed into that habit. I guess if we had to have a large amount for a group we can source it locally. I know those aren't Chinese. lol.

    I do pay attention to world events. And Venezuela reinforced my prepping efforts. I can live without pig. I can't live without clean water and food. And then there's all that ammo thing. lol.

    Having said that, if I really had to have pig they are over running FL in some places. Here piggy piggy.

    Just a thought. Crossbows are very quiet.

  4. #4


    When you make your on bacon price doesn't matter. For the record country ham runs around $2.19 a pound around here but then again I make my own. Now excuse me while I go eat some cured cold smoked pork loin.

  5. #5


    where you live heh heh
    coyotes listen to them, like children of the night what music they make.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by hayshaker View Post
    where you live heh heh
    Yeah but you have moose and beaver. Tee hee. I said beaver.

  7. #7
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    You've been waiting weeks to say that. I hope you're happy.

  8. #8


    I live in Tennessee. I also cure and food smoked best ,deer and poultry. Had thought of joining the Christmas exchange but would end up with Ricks name ever year.

  9. #9
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    I'm a walkin' plague.


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