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Thread: There;s an APP for that..

  1. #1
    Senior Member nell67's Avatar
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    Default There;s an APP for that..

    Seriously, if you can think of it, it probably has an app already on Google Play.

    I wonder how many of them really work, Such as MyShake, an app to detect earthquakes.

    Imagine having a seismograph in your pocket in the event that it really works. I wonder how far in advance it alerts?

    Any other apps that you use to alert you ? How well does it work as intended??
    Soular powered by the son.

    Nell, MLT (ASCP)

  2. #2
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    I have several weather apps on my phone. They seem to work pretty well. (My Radar, Local Weather, Tornado, Accu Weather)
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  3. #3
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Ditto on the weather apps. My local county's emergency management has an app that provides weather, power outages, travel advisories and more. It works really well.

  4. #4


    I third the weather apps (Thank you Crash, My Radar is the best). We also use the GPS Tracker app to keep track of each other and GPS Route Finder. Another one we just started using is the Samsung Health app. It keeps track of all kinds of things like steps per day, mileage, speed, etc.

  5. #5
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    OOoooooh. No. If God wanted me to know how far I walked he wouldn't have invented pickup trucks. No thank you. I tried to download one of those apps once and all the apps on my phone started quivering. I had to delete the darn thing.

  6. #6


    I'm still fighting the inevitable aging. This last year I improved physically waaaay past what the drs. said I could without several surgeries. The app helps keep me honest. Gotta keep on truckin' on.

  7. #7
    Senior Member nell67's Avatar
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    I have the weather apps as well. but my daughter and I were talking about gieger counter, and how we were surprised someone didn't try to create an app for it, and I said I bet someone has created something for earthquakes and there are tons of them, just funny that there is an app for nearly anything you could think of.

    My daughter has become very interested in prepping lately, she is completely terrified about the possibilities of nuclear radiation and EMP's.
    Soular powered by the son.

    Nell, MLT (ASCP)

  8. #8


    A lot of camping should ease the fear of EMP's. Nuclear radiation? I guess you could survive. I'm not putting that one high on my list. There's quite a few apps for earthquakes if you google "Earthquake app."

  9. #9
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Actually.....not to poo poo the idea. There are no less than eleven reactors upwind from me according to the Nuclear Regulatory Energy Commission. While these plants have an enviable safety record, accidents can happen as witnessed by Three Mile Island and, given the prevailing winds, that puts me in a bad spot although a good distance away depending on how much material is released, of course. Not high on the list but on the list never the less. Since all of those in my area are pre-1996, they are aging.

    Here's a map for you from our friends at the fed:

    Now, to get back on track.....For those that really, really want to know.

    1. Places I've Pooped. Yeah, there is such an app.
    2. Incest Prevention. Apparently, if you live in Iceland this is a helpful app. Oookaaay.
    3. Poop Break. Let's you calculate how much money you made while taking a break at work.
    4. Melon Meter. Let's you determine whether the melon you want to buy is ripe or not. I have no idea how it works. Don't ask.
    5. Passion. Score your sex life. Just what everyone needs.
    6. Amazing Girlfriend Manager. Keep track of all those gals, their birthdates and what gifts they've given you. Sorry ladies, didn't find an amazing boyfriend app. That may not bode well for us guys.

    There you go. I found 'em, you can research 'em.

    Places I've Pooped. Hmmmm.


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