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Thread: Unretired?

  1. #1
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    Default Unretired?

    Not really, but it's a new adventure. I'm picking up a part time job as a courtesy clerk (that's probably a bagboy to all ya'll). I find that I miss having a job and I can certainly use some extra income. After four years, though, I find I'm having to readapt to the schedule. The corporate office, where three days of training happens, is two buses and a train away. It's a nice trip and maybe now I'll actually get the 20 minutes of exercise a day my Dr. wants me to have.
    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  2. #2
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Congrats. Having some activity or purpose after retirement is important. Whether it is a hobby or volunteering or another income really doesn't matter. Staying active and being involved does matter.

  3. #3
    Senior Member hunter63's Avatar
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    Lot ofr people do...Congrats.
    It's nice to know that you can just walk out if they pizz you off.....(joke)

    Quite a few people "volunteer" at the hospital where I go to the gym....
    They sort stuff, guide people around......sit around and BS a lot...LOL

    That gets them free gym privileges, place to go.....and friends....many have lost a is a social event.

    Thought about it...when have time....
    Geezer Squad....Charter Member #1
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  4. #4
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    Congrats. I agree that having a reason to get up in the morning (other than to pee) is important. Hope you have fun.
    Can't Means Won't

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  5. #5
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    No joke, Hunter. These seem to be great people, but I told them to start with that I wasn't looking to unretire. I just missed having work outside the home. Thing about it is....they won't pizz me off. So I guess I'm stuck.

    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  6. #6
    Senior Member kyratshooter's Avatar
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    I am just the opposite. As I have grown older courtesy is an optional decision. You do not realize how many posts I erase before you guys and the FBI can read what I really think.

    It has been determined that I should not be allowed out into open society any more than absolutely necessary.

    They took a vote.

    One of my friends asked me what it would take to get me back into the work force once, and I told him my requirements;

    A job I absolutely love.
    Unlimited vacation days.
    I set my own hours on a daily basis but never earlier than 10am or latter than 2pm.
    $100,000 a year salary

    His reply was "you don't really want to work do you?"

    My answer; "That's why I freekin' retired! If I wanted to keep working I would have stayed where I was!"
    If you didn't bring jerky what did I just eat?

  7. #7
    Senior Member hunter63's Avatar
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    Ahhh...You are looking for a "position"...... then?
    Just good to get out of the house.....

    Had to interview new employee a previous life....
    Many would come in to the interview..... to tell me that they were there for the "Position of whatever".

    I would tell them...
    "We have Job openings...The only "position" around here is mine...not a bad gig and I plan of keeping it.
    Geezer Squad....Charter Member #1
    Evoking the 50 year old rule...
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  8. #8
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    This happened at my last job (Sears Termite and Pest Control).

    I had an applicant come in. He was an older gentleman - quite a bit older, but I didn't ask (HR violations and all that). When I explained what the job entailed I asked if he really thought he could do the job. He reluctantly said that he was probably not able to meet the physical demands.

    After a cup of coffee I finally did ask how old he was. 92! When I asked why he was looking for work at 92 he said that his wife just divorced him and that he needed the money.
    Can't Means Won't

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  9. #9
    Senior Member BENESSE's Avatar
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    Aside from extra money, being socially plugged in is a huge health benefit. So congrats on a smart move. I have a feeling you'll love it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    Well, we'll see how it goes. My advantage is that, although I want this job - I don't need it. It's a freeing feeling.

    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Phaedrus's Avatar
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    Congrats! I'm too young to retire although with the way things are going I expect to work until I die. It's hard to say now (at age 48) but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. As Benesse says it's good stay socially engaged. I tend to be kind of a loner anyway so work gives me a chance to socialize a bit. Statistically people tend to die within a few year of retiring. Maybe that's because they retire around the time that mortality would begin to spike to begin with, but I suspect it's because they lose their purpose for living. Even if you don't really like your job, work can be a big part of one's identity for many of us. Strip away work and what are we? I like to think that if I was independently wealthy I'd have plenty of interests to keep me busy but I don't mind the idea of working so long as I am physically fit enough to do so.

    It sounds like you have the ideal situation- working so long as you don't mind it with the complete freedom to walk if you like.

  12. #12
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    I think people dying when they retire is hogwash. Mostly because

  13. #13
    Senior Member Phaedrus's Avatar
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    Hahaha! It surely helps to have things to do in retirement. If I don't die at work I have a lot of things I'd like to do in retirement. Although it might sound silly, catching up on reading is one of them. My grampa on my mom's side spent 8-10 hours every day reading old westerns. Mostly Zane Grey and Lois La'More IIRC. He had a big box of 'em and I expect he'd reread them dozens of times.

  14. #14
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    The view of retirement downstream is sure different than after you go over the falls...

    While I was at my job every day (notice I didn't say working...) I had a plan for my retirement. Absolutely NONE of it has happened yet and I'm three years in. I suppose that's my fault. Some of it was beyond my control, but not all of it.


  15. #15
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    Ah. This was a mistake. I made a really dumb miscalculation. Friday I had an email telling me that I no longer qualify for Medicaid. Well, since I can't work full time, I will barely be making enough for medication and Dr. visits. And I'm pretty sure my SSI will be reduced next month. My dumb mistake? When figuring how much I could make before I lst my Medicaid benefits, I didn't add my pension and SSI into the calculation. Frankly, I can do paid work at all.

    So my next adventure - two weeks notice and then straighten this mess out. I'll let you know if I find out anything useful.
    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.

  16. #16
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    I would love to have been a fly on the wall when you opened that letter.

    "Dear Mr. Wolf,

    Nanni Nanni Nanni. More to come.

    Your friends at the SSA."

    Hangs Head. "Oh, man. What have I done?"

  17. #17
    Senior Member hunter63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WolfVanZandt View Post
    Ah. This was a mistake. I made a really dumb miscalculation. Friday I had an email telling me that I no longer qualify for Medicaid. Well, since I can't work full time, I will barely be making enough for medication and Dr. visits. And I'm pretty sure my SSI will be reduced next month. My dumb mistake? When figuring how much I could make before I lst my Medicaid benefits, I didn't add my pension and SSI into the calculation. Frankly, I can do paid work at all.

    So my next adventure - two weeks notice and then straighten this mess out. I'll let you know if I find out anything useful.
    That sucks....but true...
    Good luck.
    Geezer Squad....Charter Member #1
    Evoking the 50 year old rule...
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  18. #18
    Senior Member Phaedrus's Avatar
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    That sucks! Maybe once you get it straightened out you can find something interesting in the way of volunteer work if you want to help and pass the time? Or heck, maybe just get a nice camping trip in before the snow flies!

  19. #19
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    Hope you get it worked out soon.
    Can't Means Won't

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  20. #20
    Senior Member WolfVanZandt's Avatar
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    This is going to be ongoing weirdness. Well, I'm a lifelong learner and I'm learning. I hope I'll be able to help other folks navigate this kind of thing.

    I noticed a box on the website, while reporting my second check, that gives my projected annual income if I keep working and lets me change it if it is wrong, so I calculated how much I will make until the end of this month and changed it to that. Today, I got a message saying that my application has been accepted....and denied. The date on the acceptance is two days ago. The "end date" on the denial is 2014.

    Okay, maybe I'm getting too old, but that might mean that my Medicaid won't be interrupted - or it might not. I'll have to make a call to figure that out.

    This isn't a bad system in Colorado - just very convoluted. The adviser I talked to the other day (in the middle of a day hike - cell phones have their uses) was friendly and helpful, and their help line lets you request a call-back - and they actually do call back.
    True enough, my final home is still out there, but this is most certainly my home range and I love it. I love every rock I fall off and tree I trip over. Even when I am close to dying from exhaustion, a beautiful sunset doesn't lose it's power to refresh and inspire me and that, in itself, is enough to save me sometimes.


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