Let me start off with, if you have the drive and understand the risks, anything can be worth it to the right person. Im 30, physically fit, mentally stable and very prepared. Im looking to live a simple life with one or two people. Not looking to go on a sight seeing tour of Alaska/Canada, not looking to get into the woods with an unready person. I've had too many folks flake out, year after year. Well this year, im 30, have NOT set up with a partner and will go, even if its alone and I have to cut back a few things. My experience goes like this... I was raised by a decorated US Army Drill SGT, so sucking it up and just getting what needs to be done is instilled in my head. I've been an avid hog, squirrel, rabbit, quail and dove hunter along with fisherman my whole life. Have even taken a few deer and gator. Most of my life was spent in SC, TN, NC and FL, with 3 and 4 week excursions into michigan and the bob marshall in idaho. Looking to live WITH the land, not off the land in either Alaska/Canada. There are a few ways to do soo legally and not soo legally. One of which is the 2 week, 1/2 mile rule in national parks/forests. Im currently in Tampa, FL area with a leave date of June 1st or soo and ETA in my head of two weeks from there. By that time, most of the snow will be gone from the regions ive spent decades researching and preparing for. I have lists upon lists for different ideas, legallities, number of people, area's, etc... Im NOT a felon, not running from anything, none of that. Im quite simply a grown man who read the "Hatchet" series and watch alone in the wild a few too many times. Not a hippie or health nut, not a loon or gun nut or drunk. Im in the nice meaty middle of sane and looking to LIVE life not in a metal coffin on Main st or of diabetes on my couch in 30 years. I want to use the techniques ive practiced, eat what I hunt/gather/fish, live in what I built myself and survive like humans were designed to survive. People today are too involved in technology, what the other guy is doing or worse of all, money. Yes, it takes money to obtain goals, but it never stops. I need a set amount, which I have and after that, I've taught myself to survive without.
SOO, who am I looking for??? Im looking for the person who reads this because they too are ready and in search of a good second pair of eyes. Im not looking for the couch cowboy reading this who has never killed anything and ate it, or thinks a weekend camping trip at a local koa qualifies. Im looking for the guy or girl who isnt scared to walk into the unknown with me. Im looking for the person that knows we may have to walk 3 miles from camp before stalking game ANOTHER 3 miles, just to carry it all back, hopefully, that full 6 miles and wont complain, wont whine, will just help me get it done. Im not looking to go into this and work ourselves to death. At some point, camp/home will be stocked with firewood, food, etc. And those will be the days we can enjoy the true fruits of our labors and see just how happy we have become. As for a timeline of staying there, im set on a full year minimum and open to longer...
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