How many different ways are there to measure time in the wilderness without a time keeping device from civilization?
I was watching a recent episode of Discovery Channel's "Dude, You're Screwed" where the new guy basically lost the game because he could not tell time and did not sleep enough (On summer solstice above arctic circle in Norway). Other than that he had great skills.
Most of us were taught to use our fingers or hand against the horizon with sun (best to use electronic clock to calibrate your hand first). Here is a link, my words are boring.
But how about moon and star movements, logs burning, water draining from hole, ice melting, cord wicking water from a pot and so many more. Just ideas off the top of my head, I have never tried these or calibrated them. I apologize if there is a very long thread on this already and I was not able to find, it just seemed like a fun discussion.
Also, how difficult is the hand method to use above the arctic circle where on W.S. the sun is basically moving along the horizon not down to it?
Edit: a related thread