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Thread: Does anyone here roast there own coffee?

  1. #21

    Default Kafgar Commercial Coffee Roaster Machine

    Price is so high. I need to buy a low cost product. I can buy a new Coffee Roaster Machine from Kafgar. *****Oooops! Spam. Oh, no! *****
    Last edited by Rick; 04-15-2019 at 07:07 PM. Reason: Removed Spam

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Sounds great! But I think it isn't worth it! Too expensive...

  3. #23
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Do you mail order Dean's Beans to Algeria 'cause I checked the map and they don't list a location anywhere in Africa.

  4. #24
    Pocket DogMan635's Avatar
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    Now I have never roasted the coffee bean, but rather buy the roasted bean to make all kinds. French Pressed, Cowboy coffee is the go-to when camping. But I have done both. First here are my steps for Franch Pressed coffee. First, you need a special coffee maker for the french press. As you bring the water to a bowel about 195-degrees. While waiting grain the beans into coffee grounds measure and drop into a pot of hot water for 3-mins and then press to the bottom of the pot and serve.
    Cowboy coffee is boiling water and the coffee ground dropped in after water comes to a bowl. I mix the grounds in for about 3-minutes as well. When ready I remove from the fire and dump in about a half cup of ice-cold water as this will make the coffee grounds fall to the bottom of the pot and serve. I normally make about 4 or 5, 12oz cups and by the end of the day have put them all away if not shared with friends. YES, I'll drink cold as well. I love my Coffee. Not so sure about this one, would need more information and the link seemed to be broken for me when I tried. Thanks for sharing coffee is good stuff when made right

    As for drinking poop, has anyone seen the movies on Bill Gates, on Netflix, called "INSIDE BILL'S BRAIN". His team made a totally self- sufficient toilet, all safe powered totally and makes clean drinking water form it as well as completely destroying for safe removal., yep you guessed it "POOP" All in all I found it kind of cool, them doing that. But don't take this to mean I'm a total fan of Mr. Gates. But I respect his work in helping others.
    Last edited by DogMan635; 12-10-2019 at 08:56 AM.
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  5. #25
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    When I was out in the Dominican Republic me and the wife went on a "Safari" (would highly suggest) and they showed us their coffee and coco trees and how life was on the Island and a few things really stuck with me.

    The way this one family roasted their coffee they had an open fire pit and what looked to be an old propane canister with a rod through the center and a hatch built into the side to remover the roasted coffee all set up like a low spit.

    Had a taste test of it and they mix theirs with cinnamon... Some of the best coffee I've ever tasted.

  6. #26
    Member DCorlando's Avatar
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    Just wanted to mention I have had very good results using very basic equipment. A wood fire, cast iron skillet, stainless spatula and a second cold iron griddle to cool the hot beans when ready. Get the beans real hot and keep them moving during the full roasting with the spatula and then the instant they are at the darkness you like dump the hot beans on the cold iron and keep moving for a bit to knock the heat out. Let fully cool and grind then enjoy. That's it.

  7. #27


    I like roasting coffee by myself. It has better taste for me really. I've started doing it because I bought unroasted coffee for mistake. Now it's just a habit I think, and you know I am sure that no one will do it better than I do.

  8. #28
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    I drink coffee. One pot in the morning and that's it. I know my limitations...

    While there are some coffees that I do not like, there are none that I will not drink if an alternative is unavailable. Mostly I drink Folgers or Community in one or another of their incarnations.

    But, for me, taste is not a primary concern. I drink coffee primarily for medicinal purposes. Without it my temperament is decidedly foul. I usually ready the pot the night before so that a push of a button in the morning is all that is necessary to start the process of joining the human race.

    Roasting the coffee beans myself eats up precious minutes of life (mine and other peoples as well), especially when I can get it already roasted.


  9. #29
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    There are things essential to survive and there are things extraneous. Coffee IS essential. Grinding it is extraneous. I would use stronger words for grinding but I'm nice.

    Alan - Do you find walking around with a pot of coffee more convenient than several cups? I may have to try that. I do like that idea.

  10. #30
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    I have a 32 oz Yeti. It can be refilled one and a half times. That is inconvenient, but using the pot will allow the coffee to cool too quickly AND there is always the chance of breakage. There is only one thing worse than not having sufficient coffee in the morning and that is some terrible tragedy occurring with the means of making it.

    I have never had to chew coffee to receive its medicinal effects but breaking the pot might dictate that eventuality.

    #1 wife drinks 1/2 a cup which may account for her general mood at times (like in the morning or at mid morning or at noon......). 1/2 cup is simply not enough to get to Happy, Happy, Happy!


  11. #31
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    The extreme shaking might account for the occasional loss of parts from my work bench but it does aid in the use of the flashlight in finding said pieces.

  12. #32
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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  13. #33


    I once tried to roast coffee on my own, it didn't work out very well and it was not so fragile, did not give in to grinding so well. Therefore, I decided not to experiment anymore and buy only roasted coffee beans.

  14. #34


    I roast SPAM from time to time when I have free time. I like the process and smell. Usually, I do a light roast, so beans retain most of the caffeine.
    Last edited by crashdive123; 06-14-2022 at 06:26 AM. Reason: Idiot Spammer

  15. #35
    Senior Member Michael aka Mac's Avatar
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    Unless you are going to NYC, around here there was only one place that sold Kopi Luac nearby and they closed down just prior to the pandemic. Personally I never tried that bean, and I declined the offer to try it from that place. Yea the stomach acids alter the bitterness of the bean prior to that species of animal excreting it, but part of the experience of drinking coffee is in the mind, and my mind cant stop thinking that this bean came out of some animals A$$.

    I only drink decaf now, and no not by choice, but I have tried a few different coffee brands and found pros and cons to all of them so I ended up making coffee by adding 2 scoops of the following each day:

    All decaf 2 scoops of the following:

    Mountain House
    Chuck full of nuts
    Café du Monde

    It goes through a $100 stainless steel programmable auto drip coffee maker.

    For espressos I just use the Café du Monde and a stove top espresso percolator
    Cappuccino is a combo of Folgers & Café Du Monde

    If i want a specialty cup of coffee I drive down to Food Bazaars where they have several several rows of huge buckets of coffee beans from around the world to select from


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