hi, im new here. ive been looking through a handful of books that are about this stuff, but my libary doesnt have a book that focuses on just the plants and ect. found in Pa that are edible XD im planning to live with my nana durring the comming summer, she lives in the ulster hills/mountain and i know some berries their that are edible (there is a new berry i found there that ive never seen in books, im goin to try and
write my essay for me or do some more research on it if it grows again, it doesnt apear untill between summer and fall, the timing is hard to catch if u dont visit it every day >.<) anyways, i was hoping that somone would like to give me a list of edible plants/nuts/fruits/mushrooms and ect. that are found in Pa. i would greatly apreciate this ( i wouldnt eat it unless i know for sure it was safe, though i normaly dont have to worry too much since i dont seem to react the same as most people O.o) another thing i have a question about are wild strawberries. they are verry rare up where my nana lives, ive only seen them once in my life as tof going there multiple times. they are so tiny, but sooo good. i was wondering what would cause them to be so few? i can understand of the destruction of the habitat and such, plus would there be any way to help make them plentiful again? i would like to see more of them on my nana's mountain. (im very mad at the town workers, they mowed down the huge feild of razzberies and blackberries/black caps, i dont know if they will regrow again, i hope so, plus there has been a strange fungus or something thats been affecting the grapes too, they get covered in white/fuzzy stuff before they get to be ripe, i dont eat them when they are like that, but now its hard to find any thats not affected, any idea as to what would cause that? thanks alot!