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Thread: New Dual Survivor partner of cody

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    There are lots and lots of males out there who claim to have been in various military special operations outfits, who are phonies. They're all over the place.

    Here is a link to the blog owned by Don Shipley, a former Navy SEAL, who constantly "outs" and exposes the many phonies who claim to have been "SEALs." He also has a sense of humor in how he presents the information. (If coarse language offends you, do not go to Shipley's site.)

    A little over a year ago, I ran into a young guy who told me he had been a Navy SEAL. I had no way of knowing if he were or not. Didn't really question anything about what he said as I don't know enough to tell if what a person claiming such a title is valid or not.

    The young man was in very good condition, and seemed to know a lot about the training. A couple of things he said, however, just did not seem quite kosher to me. I asked him his BUD/S class and he told me, Class ###. I contacted a friend of mine who was a current, many-years SEAL and asked him if he could check if the young man had been a SEAL? I gave him the name and class number. He said he would check the SEAL Data Base and get back to me.

    The next day I received his e-mail. He said the young man "had not been forthcoming." He had indeed gone through part of the BUD/S Class ###, but had been "Dropped For Performance." He said that if the young man continued saying he was a SEAL, to get back to him as they had some people who'd come talk to him.

    I did not again see the young man, as he left for another job somewhere else. I don't know if he's telling the same story or not. Hope he has stopped.


    "They that can give up essential liberty to gain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),U.S. statesman, scientist, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

  2. #42
    Super Moderator crashdive123's Avatar
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    I have not heard back from Magnet yet.
    Can't Means Won't

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  3. #43
    Super-duper Moderator Sarge47's Avatar
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    Cool Fyi....

    The knife Joe Teti is using in Dual Survival 3 is actually a TOPS knife designed by the late Ron Hood sometime back titled Anaconda 9...perfect for killing giant Anacondas in the Florida Everglades!(sorry, I couldn't resist.) Anyway, if you look closely at Joe's knife you'll see the "Hood's Woods" logo on the blade near the handle. BTW, ever since Joe appeared in the Africa episode with his shirt open I've been calling him "Joe Titt*es." OOOHHH! I'm so mean!
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
    Albert Einstein

    Proud father of a US Marine....SEMPER FI!

    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    Benjamin Franklin

  4. #44
    Senior Member Winter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarge47 View Post
    The knife Joe Teti is using in Dual Survival 3 is actually a TOPS knife designed by the late Ron Hood sometime back titled Anaconda 9...perfect for killing giant Anacondas in the Florida Everglades!(sorry, I couldn't resist.) Anyway, if you look closely at Joe's knife you'll see the "Hood's Woods" logo on the blade near the handle. BTW, ever since Joe appeared in the Africa episode with his shirt open I've been calling him "Joe Titt*es." OOOHHH! I'm so mean!
    I saw that one, but he is using his own design now, also made by TOPs. Looks fairly useless to me. Beats having a sharp stick I reckon.
    I had a compass, but without a map, it's just a cool toy to show you where oceans and ice are.

  5. #45
    Senior Member Desert Rat!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarge47 View Post
    The knife Joe Teti is using in Dual Survival 3 is actually a TOPS knife designed by the late Ron Hood sometime back titled Anaconda 9...perfect for killing giant Anacondas in the Florida Everglades!(sorry, I couldn't resist.) Anyway, if you look closely at Joe's knife you'll see the "Hood's Woods" logo on the blade near the handle. BTW, ever since Joe appeared in the Africa episode with his shirt open I've been calling him "Joe Titt*es." OOOHHH! I'm so mean!
    Copy that Sarge, even being one of the worlds most dangerous men! can't keep the old spare tire from forming , better keep moving Joe!

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    I saw that one, but he is using his own design now, also made by TOPs. Looks fairly useless to me. Beats having a sharp stick I reckon.
    I dont know, with a sharp stick I can stab an anaconda from several feet away
    I Wonder Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink what ever comes out?"

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