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Thread: Prepare Now for Your Summer Garden

  1. #1
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Central Indiana

    Default Prepare Now for Your Summer Garden

    Here is a good article on how to prepare your garden for spring planting:

    If you want a natural way to deter insects in your garden here are some plants you can add to help your vegies.

    Aphids - Chives, Coriander, Nasturtium
    Ants - Tansy
    Asparagus Beetle - Pot Marigold
    Bean Beetle - Marigold, Nasturtium, Rosemary
    Cabbage Moth - Hyssop, Mint (also clothes moths), Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Southernwood, Tansy, Thyme

    Carrot Fly - Rosemary, Sage
    Flea Beetle - Catmint (Contains nepetalactone, an insect repellent.) Steep in water and spray on plants.), Mint

    Flies - Basil, Rue
    Fruit Tree Moths - Southernwood
    Japanese Beetles - Garlic & Rue (When used near roses and raspberries), Tansy (These guys LOVE green beans and will devour the tops of the plants in no time at all. They love to overnight and mate in the leaves of green beans, too.)

    Potato Bugs - Horseradish
    Mosquitoes - Basil, Rosemary
    Moths - Santolina
    Nematodes - Marigold (Marigolds should be established for at least 1 year before their nematode deterring properties will take effect.)

    Savory, Winter - Some insect repelling qualities
    Squash Bugs & Beetles - Nasturtium, Tansy
    Ticks - Lavender (Also thought to repel mice and moths.)
    Tomato Horn Worm - Borage, Pot Marigold

    Garlic and Marigolds ring my garden. Not only do they help with insects but they make the garden look nice, too. Another thing, If you find spiders and spider webs in your tomatoes, that's a sign of a good ecosystem. Leave them alone. I don't use any insecticides in my garden.

    You can half bury clay flower pots and add some grass to the inside for frogs to hide in. They'll help keep your garden in top shape, too. Cover the top with some grass for shading so the pot doesn't get hot in the summer sun.
    Last edited by Rick; 02-25-2008 at 05:42 PM.
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