Great looking stuff! I finally have my stuff planted but no vegetables yet.
Great looking stuff! I finally have my stuff planted but no vegetables yet.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George S. Patton, Jr.
What the stick?
That's a nice garden Crash. We had snow again this week. I made some raised beds to put out when the time is right. I had a mess of peanuts last year, I hope I can do it again this year.
The tomatoes are coming into their own now.
There's a name for people like you, Crash. But I'm too much of a lady to use it.
Recession; A period when you go without something your Grandparents never heard of.
At the risk of being beat up by those who choose to live in cooler climates (remember - my garden will soon feel the stress of the summer heat), here is today's haul.
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The jalapeno and tabasco peppers will soon be ready. A few of the onion tops are starting to brown, so it shouldn't be too long.
Nice stuff Crash. Mine's just going in. My tomaters are only about 3" tall, still in the cold frame...
My squash are about done (got 15 pounds so far from two plants). Once they are done I'll put in some heatwave tomatoes.
Nice haul, crash!
Since we're moving, I've got pretty much nothing -- some herbs, mildewed swiss chard, and artichokes:
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I let the first one bloom. The second biggest one, I harvested this morning. I'll probably pick the two babies too. There's also a fifth one, starting to come up around back.
I've already started digging a hole for it at the new house. I hope transplantation doesn't kill it.
Wow nice. I don't put plants in the garden until June 1st. I can hardly wait!
Why do I live in Alaska? Because I can.
Alaska, the Madness! Bloggity Stories of the North Country
"Building Codes, Alaskans don't need no stinking Building Codes." Sourdough
Yes, I have wifi in my outhouse!
Nice haul Crash. Getting some maters,crooknecks,peppers,cukes and green beans here.A few small eggplants on but not ready yet. Real happy with the taters so far. Dug two short rows(about 30 feet each) and ended up with right at 40 lbs. Figure we got about 4 lbs for each lb of seed. Would have gotten more but these wanted to dig early to use as new taters. Grrl hope your artichokes move ok. Good luck to all the gardeners among yall.
Never claimed to be an expert. Just use or do what works for me.
Great looking stuff! I can't seem to keep my peppers alive, but my beans are going wild.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George S. Patton, Jr.
The stalks of the pepper plants that I've planted seem to be very fragile when the plants are young. They are also rooted fairly shallow, so as they grow I put a single stake next to each plant so that they do not get blown over in stronger winds. I'll snap a pic this afternoon.
I just staked everything the other day. I used the cheap bamboo poles and the green stretchy tape to tie everything off. There has been few days of 50+mph winds that claimed a bunch of beans by either stripping the leaves or breaking the stalks.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George S. Patton, Jr.
My stuff ain't no'where close to harvesting anything except spring'time greens...
Ain't seen enough sun or warm temps...well behind schedule...Mother Nature ain't
been very co-operative this season.....I'm envious, Crashdive.....................BH51.