Well anyone can add to this, but from my personal experience I had not only to keep moving my bag(s) around, I had them flopping around in the back of the vehicle on rough roads or simply just had to keep moving them back and forth from the back seat to the trunk when I was hauling other things. Well, some vehicles come with those little slots on the sides of the trunk to put small items, so they can be used with breaking down a larger bag into two smaller ones to fit into those cubby holes. (Folding up the large bag and stuffing it under the seat nicely.) Not everyone will want to do this, but for those who don't mind the extra minute to open the cubby holes and grab the larger bag to throw it all into it can save some headache in our daily chores when we do carry different things in our vehicles that may require shifting things back and forth all the time.

Now why even bother? First, after throwing it back and forth a few times (well not literally throwing it) and the rough roads, things tend to get broken in the bag, packages worn or broken open from being crushed under other things inside the bug out bag, and the other numerous things that happen during normal wear and tear while pack is getting beat up while just being in the way.

Upon getting a 4 wheel drive subaruba a few weeks ago, I noticed that there were many little cubby holes in the back. Under the trunk was another large cubby hole which can fit a nice sized bug out bag. The other holes were great for items of emergency use if needed and can be filled with other smaller bags, even a few fanny bags. They will even fit a few bottles of water or a canteen of water. Under the seat there isn't much room in this small car for anything other than a box of granola bars to much on. Nothing like a larger SUV or Truck where there is tons of space behind the seat or under the seat, but every bit of space helps. Granted if you have a tool box on the back of your truck those are great places to store bags, but when you use them a lot, your bags get a bit beat up from shifting them around and getting smashed. So those small places or areas that are less used are better for storing your emergency bags.

Anyone else want to add to help ease the wear and tear is welcome.
Just thought I would add this to lend an idea.