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Thread: lovage

  1. #1
    Senior Member wareagle69's Avatar
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    Default lovage

    levisticum officinale

    found this last weekend in lydias garden
    description-it is a hardy perennial herb with ribbed stalks similar to celery, and hollow stems that divide into branches near the top. yellow flowers are borne in umbels about 30 cm across, leaves are dardk green, opposite,compound, leaflest wedge shape maybe toothed or ridged. lovage has a strong taste and odour similar to celery and parsley. Roots have a nutty flavour. it is very robust and can grow as tall as 2m and spread to form a clump sveral meters wide.
    uses of lovage
    leaves can be used in salads, soups stir frys potato dishes
    leafstalks can be eaten fresh or candied
    seeds can be used whole or ground
    dreid root has been used as a condiment
    Last edited by wareagle69; 05-18-2010 at 08:37 PM.
    always be prepared-prepare all ways

  2. #2
    Fears No Evil Twosox5's Avatar
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    And whereabouts would one run into this useful item?
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  3. #3
    Administrator Rick's Avatar
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    Looks like Lydia's garden.
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  4. #4
    reclinite automaton canid's Avatar
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    I am dying to grow some. I've always been a lover of celery greens, which as many of you know is where most of the flavor in the plant is, and lovage has that flavor, or one very like it, in spades; to the point of spiciness.
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  5. #5


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