
Type: Posts; User: Mello23

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  1. i live up in the upper most part of Pa, between...

    i live up in the upper most part of Pa, between the top middle the right middle of PA, we have common edible weeds like those that you have listed, plus i read that you can eat acorns after you boil...
  2. i have used that link before, it is usefull, but...

    i have used that link before, it is usefull, but not as many as i thought would be listed.

    another thing i figured out is that the weird berry i found up at my nana's is actualy a type of...
  3. srry that i posted this in the wrong catagoriy,...

    srry that i posted this in the wrong catagoriy, my computer is bein stupid and it doesnt even show half of the stuff on the screen, till just now >.<
  4. Edible plants and more in Pa? plus some questions.

    hi, im new here. ive been looking through a handful of books that are about this stuff, but my libary doesnt have a book that focuses on just the plants and ect. found in Pa that are edible XD im...
Results 1 to 4 of 4