they do seem to grow only in the poorest soils. they don't do real well in flowerbeds, I tried. but out in a place where normally only weeds grow.
first year they are small sprouts in rosettes,...
Type: Posts; User: your_comforting_company
they do seem to grow only in the poorest soils. they don't do real well in flowerbeds, I tried. but out in a place where normally only weeds grow.
first year they are small sprouts in rosettes,...
hunter, I would say most folks calls it a weed. from one plant I now have about 20 sprouts that will be rosettes this spring. Handy to have around. I use the flower stalks off the second (technically...
just thought I would add a pic for reference.
first one is a first year rosette plant, second has rosette up close and second year flower stalk in distance.
I have been smoking mullein for a few weeks, more like once a day for the week before last when I had a cold. I haven't tried tea yet, and I was totally unaware that you could fry and eat them. good...