Welcome from the heart of Missouri.
Thank you for your service.
Type: Posts; User: Dink
Welcome from the heart of Missouri.
Thank you for your service.
Thank you!
For a breeding scheldule...I breed for my first litter to be dropped in mid March. I then breed back when the young are 4 weeks old, wean them at 6 weeks old, butcher at 8 weeks old and this gives...
I cross my New Zealand white buck to a Californias and other NZ whites. The cross of New Zealand and California breeds produce young that grow faster and tend to be much meatier in the haunches. I...
Actually, 1/4" hardware cloth is a bit to small. I use 1/2" for the bottoms, it doesn't bother their feet, even the little ones get along on it very well. I use 1"x2" wire for the sides of my cages...
If you don't have access to a hackamore bit you can make a simple tie down bosal...if your horse is well trained (or snap a couple lead lines to the side rings of a halter).
A simple strip of...
I have used this recipe many times while camping.
Squirrel or rabbit, whichever is snared or shot first.
IF AVAILABLE: lightly dredge in flour and fry just to brown outside in the pot to be...
I never soaked tehm in anything but water...until I started cooking at Jim & Carols house. Its something they want done. And since I am not good at argueing with people in their 70's who are set in...
You can make something similar to head cheese like what is made from pigs, only you don't gut pack it. You simply shave off all pieces of meat, put them in a large pot to boil with...
Soaking some tonight for cooking tomorrow...
2# pinto beans will soak overnight covered in a big bowl of water with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and SLOWLY added 1 cup of apple cider vinegar...be...
I am on full disability with minimum payments and grocery store prices are killing me. I garden and can a LOT of my own veggies, get a lot of fruits from farmers markets and will have a nice orchard...
As long as I can remember I have had chickens...all the way back to being a little kid. I gave my last flock to my new neighbors as I am moving to a slightly larger farm. They give me all the eggs I...
Thanks ya'all!
Yea, Crash...this place looks to be very interesting! Glad to be here!
Howdy ya'all!!!!
I am now 38 & happily divorced after 16 years, I own a working farm, spent most of my life from the age of 14 working in the medical field and then raising 2 kids. I am working on...