Do you get to teach many classes in Algeria?
Type: Posts; User: crashdive123
Do you get to teach many classes in Algeria?
A spall is a larger flake. A flake can be very small.
We do have fossilized coral though and it sparks pretty good once it is baked.
We don't have rocks unless they are picked up at the landscaping store. Now, if sand sparked........
Keep in mind that the amount of sparks thrown from natural stone and steel is a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of what you will get from ferrocerium rod and steel.
One single spark into charcloth is...
With regards to removing the cutting surface of the file - it is no neccessary. You will want to use a smooth edge, but you will have that when you break the file. If you want a longer striking...
Too pricey for my taste. You should be able to find some natural flint where you live and an old file can be cut and used for your steel.