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About farmerjane

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About farmerjane
Grew up in West Texas, moved around ALOT with my parents, finially ended up in East Texas where I planted roots and my intention is to not budge again. That being said, Murphy tends to haunt me and I am in the process of learning what I need to know to protect my family in the event of Major Events. In the early part of my adult hood, I focued on learning to run a family farm to feed my family. Then I moved on to long term food storage and planning for the 3, 7, and up to 30 day at home survial. Lately, I am more concerned with a Bug Out situation. I have younger children as well as a disabled teen so travel on foot would take alot more planning as well as knowlege. This is what has lead me to this site.
East Texas
Going back to basics


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11-05-2012 05:45 PM
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