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    hey thanks for the info. can you tell me more about the basket machine? have you seen one in operation? i would love to see that.
    i hear you talkin man its a bummer that so much of american labor is being exported or handed to illegal immigration. but whats even more of a bummer is that no one demands products produced by ledal labor. everyone says "buy american!" but no one says "buy products made with legal labor!". where is that movement?? why isnt that happening?? plus americans wont work for the price that overseas or illegal labor will. its just dollars and cents but the CONSUMER has to be held accountable as well. not just corporate america.
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    We'll have to see how things go. All that you suggest is in process. The small pit fire process would be for demonstration purposes. He will be in a tent and the fire marshal will have to approve it.

    You might know The New Minstrel Review or Lady Ettie. We have a number of Fair family in Florida. I was the printer.
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About Durtyoleman

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About Durtyoleman
Was in a boat fishin before I could walk. Love learning and using survival info found anywhere.
Tampa, Florida
Fishing, Hunting
Metal Fabricator


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01-22-2010 04:15 PM
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03-31-2019 05:30 PM
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