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    If you are concerned about the issues facing Americans today, you have a lot of company.

    The combination of global warming and abrupt climate change, the economic meltdown of the world's economies, Terrorism, Rampant Crime and the current political unrest in (of all places) America - sets the stage for a huge rendering of the social fabric of our country. The veneer of civilization is very thin. Some of us think it's time to prepare.

    We're not some group of religious fanatics or right-wing militia with a beef. We are just regular, everyday American citizens. Most of us have families. We've worked all our lives and paid our taxes. A lot of us attend church regularly, have raised our children and do volunteer work.

    But, things have gotten out of control.

    We have the best government that corporate campaign contributors can buy. When they aren't involving us in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, they're lining their own pockets at our expense. Know any POOR politicians? They let the oil companies run rampant. They allowed Wall Street to bring the country to it's knees. They let corporations export over 2,000,000 manufacturing jobs to China. Our national debt is ridiculous. Our borders leak like a sieve yet, they knowingly allow it continue. Social security isn't funded properly. Medicare and Medicaid aren't funded properly. Unemployment is at record levels and isn't getting better. Over 450,000 people are filing first-time claims for unemployment benefits WEEKLY while they brag about 290,000 jobs being created in a month. They call that a recovery.

    Yet, they still vote themselves pay raises.

    It can't last and it won't last. This recession is still just in it's infancy and it's going to get a lot worse. When you consider the gravity of the scenarios listed above, you realize that just ONE of them can severely interrupt the food supply.

    If you are tired of listening to liars and bull**** artists and think the time has come to explore your options, send us an email and share your thoughts and opinions.

    We'd love to hear from you. [email protected]

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About 19thCentury

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About 19thCentury
Needle In A Haystack, Canada
Fishing, Hunting, Building things (log cabins, etc), Photography.


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05-18-2010 02:39 PM
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08-30-2009 06:57 PM
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