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19 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    I love your pictures. You should frame them and then sell them. I really love the deer one. How close were you and the deer? Good job! I am an outdoor photographer too, in my spare time. Trying to adjust to digital cameras. I seem to like the old 35mm cameras the best. You could control the image better, take faster shots depending on the film speed, and use different films. I used to store my florescents and black and whites in the frig until used. Maybe in a year or so I'll get a nicer digital. Keep up the good work. It's appreciated.
  2. View Conversation
    My name is Skookum Chetwoot. It's my Chinook name meaning Wild Bear. But I'm not really wild. Used to be. Not in a bad sense. When I was young, I used to ride my appaloosa in a spontaneous way. Usually off trails (that's where you see the good stuff). In Oregon, it rains alot. My horse and I would like to slide down muddy hill sides. You wanna be friends. I would like to share your fire. Like Jim Craig saying, "You are welcome to my fire anytime." in the Man from Snowy River
  3. View Conversation
    Hubba Hubba!!!!!!! You're gorgeous!
  4. View Conversation
    Found this website and thought you would like it. The guys name is Green Dean and he has 114 videos on youtube.
  5. View Conversation
    I just checked out your photos. Really nice. The one where people were swimming in the pond or creek looked refreshng.
  6. View Conversation
    my Cherokee name is agatolitsigili which mean Horned Owl Eye in english. My great aunt who was 90 at the time, gave it to me at birth. Owls are revered and feared with the Cherokee, and she died before I got a chance to ask her why she gave me that name, but my Dad thinks it's because of how I look at people sometimes...haha. You never know! Good to meet you.
  7. View Conversation
    good name...a kindred soul that shares my cherokee name is always a welcome site.
  8. View Conversation
    Great pics! The design on the walking sticks are great and the two caribou locking anters must have been impressive to watch!
  9. if anyone cares to look i have added some more pics to "my pictures". a lot are of the wildlife and scenery i took while going through Canada.
  10. View Conversation
    Yep! That's my baby boy Rhyno. Thanks.
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About owl_girl

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About owl_girl
I love adventure and being out in the woods and exploring whenever I can.
I travel but was raised in Alaska
hiking, dancing, minimalist camping, rockhounding, painting, herbalism, primitive skills, baking


Come share my fire.


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12-16-2010 01:27 AM
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12-21-2011 10:40 PM
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