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  1. View Conversation
    Hi ... nice to informally meet you. Enjoyed some of your posts and looking forward to more.
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum...As a fellow Alaskan trapper, I am looking forward to reading more of your posts
  3. View Conversation
    Hello, I live in Maine,have always wanted to visit Alaska,maybe move there one day.I would like to just get away from it all,have some peace,from the fast life of the lower 48.Take care..
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    I'm very glad to have met you on here Kevin! You are one of my favorite people on the forum. Really looking forward to meeting you and SD this June! Man I hope I can make it. If your ever in IL give me a shout! The best to you in all you do! Later Bro!
  5. Age: 46

    Gender: Male

    I live in South Central Alaska.

    I am a Backcountry Guide

    I am retired military with a background in Firearms instructor, Ground combat instructor, Survival instructor, Wilderness First Responder, JOTC.

    I was Born and raised in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of northern California. I have Several years traveling around Central and South America from 1982 until 1992. I’ve been living in and exploring Alaska since 1994, Alaskan Guide since 2004.

    My preparedness planning is directed toward general Alaska type disaster planning, ie, earth quakes, tsunami's, severe weather, power outages, etc. Our plan is to stay put and bring our children and grandchildren to our home.

    My Interests and Hobbies include ATVing and Snowmachining, Gardening, Wilderness skill and exploring, Knife-making, Firearms, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, etc.

    My reasons for joining this forum are to be in contact with like minded folks to share information and ideas concerning wilderness and general survival as well as disaster preparedness.
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About klkak

Basic Information

About klkak
Retired Military, ABGD/Survival Instructor
Trapping,Hunting,Fishing,Shooting,Alaska wilderness camping
Backcountry/Wilderness Guide, Survival instructor


1. If it's in your kit and you don't know how to use it....It's useless.
2. If you can't reach your kit when you need it....Its useless.

Alaska Backcountry Adventure Tours
Tell them Kevin sent you!!


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04-23-2011 10:48 AM
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02-27-2015 10:54 PM
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Group dynamics

by klkak on 02-02-2011 at 08:15 PM
The following are not solely my thoughts, but an amalgam of information gathered through education and research. I posted this once in the regular forum during a debate with a former member. This is also my first ever blog. Group dynamics play a bigger role in survival then many give it credit for. Group dynamics is also vital to the survival of this forum.

Group dynamics is the study of groups, and also a general term for group processes. Relevant to the fields of psychology, sociology,

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Updated 02-02-2011 at 11:04 PM by klkak
