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Have you changed your basic FOOD inventory theory or practice.....????

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[QUOTE=Sourdough;411208]Have you reassessed your reserve food type or inventory allotment in the last 24 months........???

When I turned 65 y/o I assessed my basic theory for the next 15 years. Now nearly two years into the revised plan, I feel good about the new direction. I aspired to list the known natural disasters that had to be considered; Forest Fire & total loss of everything above ground, Being down wind of a Volcanic Eruption resulting in up to a few feet of volcanic ash, Catastrophic Earthquake which could destroy roads for several months, Grid Down for extended period of time, maybe very extended period of time.

Next I took an HONEST inventory of my physical ability at age 65, then estimated what that would be at 70/75 & 80 years of age. I decided to scrap any consideration to years beyond 75 y/o.

From this model I re-looked at my past food storage theory. And made changes as appropriate. The main shift was to more Freeze Dried Food and an Extensive Caching program.

Other changes were made in reassessing the area of firearms for the future, and clothing for the future.

Have you looked at your fundamental theory with fresh eyes.........????[/QUOTE]

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  1. Deb Bookwarmer's Avatar
    I pulled this out of the pile to contemplate. 59 and still partaking of crappy foods but getting more knowledge of available year round foraging. Buried a dishwasher with galvanized feed can inside. Put inside this seeds in glass jars and plastic green bags.Buried a microwave in an attempt to secure bear and hog proof cache. Inside is a roasting pan taped closed with silver duct tape. After a few years I found the microwave had small holes which let in ants which ate through plastic silver colored duct tape. Dishwasher has not been breached for its seeds in 3 years.
    I will not be bugging out with my newly found lung illness so glad to have had this test. I am short of oxygen and county dr says I am not bad enough yet. Every chemical smell seems to immediatly fill me with phlegm. Thanks for post.