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Further insight/Survival.

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Basically, I don't consider myself a "Survivalist", but a "Survivor". I will be a Survivor until the day I die, then it won't matter. 1st & formost I'm a camper, everything else stems from that point and radiates outwards. Hunting, fishing, hiking, and even "playing" at survival by testing equipment & skills & using various "scenarios". If I were to go camping for a while and made it back just fine, that's what I expect. So I "err on the side of caution", always. In my personal opinion a "survivor"(wilderness type) is nothing more that a good "outdoorsman." Someone who knows how to take care of themselves and others in the woods/outdoors no matter what happens. I would never be "bummed" by nothing going wrong on an outing, but be thankful instead. I'd never deliberately put myself in harm's way to "test" myself. The way I see it the test is passed by the one who is mature/smart enough to know that if you don't create any crap, there's a better chance of their not being any crap. SARGE.

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  1. Tony uk's Avatar
    I cant agree more with your closeing comment
  2. bulrush's Avatar
    The way I see it the test is passed by the one who is mature/smart enough to know that if you don't create any crap, there's a better chance of their not being any crap.

    You can create much of your own luck, whether it's good or bad. I agree. "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."