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  1. Whitetail Fever

    While some on here are not Big Buck Hunters or Trophy Hunters, if a Large Doe and Big Buck came into range when hunting, 95% would take the big buck. Here's my take on deer hunting either sex.
    I have been hunting big game, mostly deer, for over twenty years and I am still surprised by the lack of preparation most hunters take before the season starts. Most of my buddies simply throw some gear in the back of a truck on opening day and head for the woods. By the way, most of my friends are not ...
  2. Whitetail Fever Continued

    Once you have done your work at home and in the field, you can decide what type of hunting technique you want to use. Some folks like to sit and wait, others prefer to stalk, and many more prefer a tree stand. Me, I prefer a tree stand with my compound bow or shotgun for a number of reasons. But stalk with my longbow and flintlock. I rarely sit very still and I suspect most hunters are the same way, so sitting at ground level is not a good option for me. I have discovered that I make too much noise ...

    Updated 03-03-2008 at 03:16 PM by Beo

  3. Brain Tanning Hides

    What follows is a general outline of what is involved in brain tanning hides. There are many different "formula's" or directions for tanning out there. Some are simpler and some more involved. I heartily recommend following the link at the end of this post for those who want to try brain tanning. Then with a little research you will be more likely to achieve a more specific and successful recipe. Some here may use this and some may have other methods, this is basically how I do it and ...
  4. Survival First Aid... What to do?

    We all have good first aid kits and talk about them on here all the time. But actual first aid is hardly spoken of and with some good reasons: no one wants to post what to do in case someone reads it and it doesn’t work and then you get trash talked on, they’re looked at as if they’re a goof, or are afraid of getting sued (which is a good reason to keep it to yourself). But going over my trunk load of crap I have from my days in the Army I came across these First Aid notes I got while at Ft. Campbell’s ...

    Updated 03-03-2008 at 12:39 PM by Beo

  5. First Aid Continued........

    Heat exhaustion is not uncommon when water is not sufficient. The body becomes dehydrated and salt-depleted, resulting in nausea, faintness, a weak, rapid pulse and/or cold and clammy skin. Treatment includes plenty of rest, liquid and salt tablets.
    Sunstroke may occur when the body is exposed to excessive sun. The body becomes overheated and provides too much blood to the circulatory system resulting in a flushed, hot face, rapid pulse, headache and/or ...
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