View Full Version : Good To See You All Agen

Tony uk
08-08-2007, 06:42 PM
Damm Its Good To Be BACK!!! :D

Nice to see you all agen here its been to long :)

08-08-2007, 06:48 PM
Welcome back!

08-08-2007, 07:02 PM
Hey Tony uk how’s it goin.

Tony uk
08-08-2007, 07:52 PM
Its all going well, i got a half decent tan also :D

Thnaks for the welcome back :)

08-08-2007, 07:55 PM
Its all going well, i got a half decent tan also :D

Thnaks for the welcome back :)

Welcome back to the pack brother wolf!:)

08-08-2007, 09:09 PM
hey good to see you again.

08-09-2007, 01:27 PM
welcome back Tony.

08-09-2007, 07:25 PM
well tell us a story. welcome home

08-10-2007, 02:13 AM
Yes! Story time!

Tony uk
08-10-2007, 12:27 PM
Thanks All :D

Well....Once upon a time there was a tank commander who went on a fireing exercise, unfortinatly he and his gunner had alot of HE shells weighing alot to fire thay also had a few AP shells also

So a while into the exercise and after the first few shells the comander is getting sick of it and says to his gunner "Do you really want to fire all these" and he replys "Nope not at all" so while the section commander was off somewhere they got a spade and began to dig a whole big enough to fit in all of the munitions they had, Several
minuites later they had finished putting in all the shells and filled them in, when the section commander orderd the group to fire all or there shells they said "We dont have any left sir" looking sort of shocked he came over and said "where did they all go?, you cant of fired them all" but they both said they have and finding no more shells they where alowed to return to the base and relax

The End......

Tony uk
08-10-2007, 04:45 PM
Another Story

There onece was a person who worked on a ship, one day while they where waithing to be refuled in some country in the east an arab like man came up to the hull in a small boat, one of the crewmembers on the larger ship liked the look of the arabs hat and tryed to perswade him to trade it for something finaly the man chose to swap the hat for cornflakes. After taking all the boxes of corn flakes he wanted the crewmember said "now can i have your hat, But however the arab man simpily started to row away the crewmember was feurious and picked up a large bag of spare bolts and fixtures the ones that the large fule pump is atached with, he leaned over the side and waited, as the arab man came along he let go of the bag right into and threw the small boat just after decapitation the arab mans head

He got away with it....... much to the hatred and disgust of his fellow crew members :mad:

The End...