View Full Version : Hultafors mini axe

05-11-2019, 08:35 AM
Does anyone have this or maybe similar size axe by GB or other maker that can share thoughts ?

05-11-2019, 09:09 AM
If you're talking about the teensy weensy hatchet, My friend bought a mini GB and sent it back. An expensive worthless toy.

https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=imgurl%3ahttp%3a%2f%2fwww.highlandwoodwor king.com%2fProductImages%2fgransforsbruks%2f125843 .jpg&view=detailv2&iss=sbi&rtpu=%2fsearch%3fq%3dgransfors+bruks+mini+hatchet&form=IEQNAI&selectedindex=0&id=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.highlandwoodworking.com%2FProd uctImages%2Fgransforsbruks%2F125843.jpg&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.highlandwoodworking.com% 2FProductImages%2Fgransforsbruks%2F125843.jpg&exph=0&expw=0&vt=0

05-11-2019, 01:08 PM
Yeah. I saw a multitool with an axe once and thought ????!. There was no heft to it.

Y'know. I bet if someone thought to make a small, hollow axe with some heavy fluid in it (I guess people don't use mercury any more), that might even work for a packable axe.

05-11-2019, 04:15 PM
I carry a Coldsteel tomahawk. It's 19 inches, inexpensive and works pretty good. I also have a CrashAxe for car camping. It's the berries.

https://c1.neweggimages.com/NeweggImage/ProductImage/A06L_1_20110823_8357446.jpg (http://[img]https://c1.neweggimages.com/NeweggImage/ProductImage/A06L_1_20110823_8357446.jpg/[img])

05-12-2019, 10:10 AM
What a world to live in.

People want knives they can pound into a log with a stick and split rocks, but hunt for an ax they can conceal in their pocket???

05-12-2019, 02:12 PM
What a world to live in.

People want knives they can pound into a log with a stick and split rocks, but hunt for an ax they can conceal in their pocket???

I'm an axe guy , I want an axe for carving stakes , making spoons and small chores , I have a husvarna hatchet but its a bit heavy to swing for long time and a big hultafors classic felling axe , I hate batoning and I'm for carrying a small knife and an axe , use every item with it's intended purpose :)

05-12-2019, 02:13 PM
I carry a Coldsteel tomahawk. It's 19 inches, inexpensive and works pretty good. I also have a CrashAxe for car camping. It's the berries.

https://c1.neweggimages.com/NeweggImage/ProductImage/A06L_1_20110823_8357446.jpg (http://[img]https://c1.neweggimages.com/NeweggImage/ProductImage/A06L_1_20110823_8357446.jpg/[img])

I want to get that as well and do some mods

05-12-2019, 02:33 PM
For what you're going to use it for I have the GB Wildlife Hatchet with a 13 1/2" handle. It's pretty handy and won't wear you out.